Fiona Barker

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since Jul 23, 2001
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Recent posts by Fiona Barker

Hi mate,
Nearly forgot to mention that my certification package finally arrived on November 14. Or, to put it another way ... 21 days for transatlantic post!!! Can you believe it? My Christmas cards to the states get delivered quicker than that. However, I checked the post marks on the package and it seems to have been routed through Zurich, Switzerland - guess my certificate felt like taking a vacation before coming to the UK.
Now, I suppose I should mail out the logo agreement ... Just how long do you think it'll (a) take to reach Sun and (b) Sun to respond via email? I'll be taking all bets now at 7-4 odds on favourites for taking a very long time indeed.
Cheers, Fi
[This message has been edited by Fiona Barker (edited November 18, 2001).]
23 years ago
Just checked your profile and you're NY based. Over in the UK, I'm still dragging my heels waiting for the post ...
So did it include the agreement to let you use the official logos? Do they send out a disk or do you download them from the 'net?
23 years ago
You should contact whoever you arranged the exam with, which could be either Prometric *or* your local test centre.
If you arranged the test through Prometric, you can reschedule your exam online at
23 years ago
Congratulations Priyha! Best wishes for your future studies.
23 years ago
Congratulations Neha!
23 years ago
Same here (almost) - 19th, then 23rd. Wonder how long it'll take to arrive from the US. "Depending on where in the world you live, it can take up to 30 days." *sigh* I'm betting it'll take at least a week by surface mail, if not a fortnight.
23 years ago
Congratulations Sudhir!
23 years ago
Congratulations Peter!
It must have been tough fitting studying in around family life. Well done and best wishes in your future studies.
23 years ago
Congratulations Farrukh!
23 years ago
I just did the exam on Friday ...
You can mark each question for review. Once you've gone through the questions, you'll see a screen flagging questions as marked for review (M) or incomplete (I). You can, as Ersin says, enter the question number and go straight to it. Or you can double click on the question and go to it. Or you can review all marked questions in order or review all the questions in order.
Hope that helps, Fi

Originally posted by G Vanin:

how smb may check that you are a really SCPJ2. Since there is no free access to my Sun's database score, anybody may use it and it is impossible to check

I suppose the easiest way to prove you're certified would be to produce your exam certificate.
23 years ago
Perhaps it does vary according to which country you purchase the voucher in. I bought my voucher from the Sun UK office and was told it was valid for one year from purchase date.
23 years ago
Thanks guys! Your kind wishes mean a lot to me.
23 years ago
I passed the SCP exam today!!! It was a near thing as I just cleared 64%, so I passed by only 2 questions. I don't care - I'm still dead chuffed!!!
My exam was chock-a-block with code analysis and there were a lot of IO questions. No short answer questions though. Tip for nervous candidates: - the program will flag any incomplete questions so don't worry about only checking 1 answer when you should have checked 3 (wish I'd known this!).
I wish I'd spent a lot more time practicing code but can't be helped. I had absolutely *no* prior Java experience and relied entirely on Mughal & Rasmussen's PGJC and Roberts & Heller's CJ2CSG. (Ad plug: buy both and support your friendly local Java Ranch!) Proves you *can* pass even if you're not a computer whizz kid.
23 years ago

Originally posted by Cindy Glass:
My oldest is 14 and a freshman in High School. I have told them that that they can't date (as in leave the house or go alone with a male type person) until they are 16. I am told that I am WAY to conservative.

I'm 22 and my kid sister is 16 - I don't have kids but I'm young enough to know about teen dating. So long as your daughter is talking to you about boys then you shouldn't be worrying - if you ground her, then she'll just stop telling you anything. As long as she tells you where, when and who, then I don't see there's any problem. Set a curfew by all means. I'm sure your daughter is sensible and knows all the facts. Do you really think she'd do something stupid?
Why don't you offer to drive her to whatever location and pick her up at an agreed time? My parents were always happy for me to go out so long as they knew where I was and what I was up to.
Just my opinion - hope it's useful.
Oops - should have added that 14 is okay to date in the sense of just going to the cinema or going to a cafe. And be back home around 21.00 unless mom has agreed to be chaffeur (drop off and pick up).
Double oops - just noticed the ages in the above post. No relation to Jane Griscti whatsoever.
[This message has been edited by Fiona Barker (edited October 14, 2001).]
23 years ago