Originally posted by Cindy Glass:
My oldest is 14 and a freshman in High School. I have told them that that they can't date (as in leave the house or go alone with a male type person) until they are 16. I am told that I am WAY to conservative.
I'm 22 and my kid sister is 16 - I don't have kids but I'm young enough to know about teen dating. So long as your daughter is talking to you about boys then you shouldn't be worrying - if you ground her, then she'll just stop telling you anything. As long as she tells you where, when and who, then I don't see there's any problem. Set a curfew by all means. I'm sure your daughter is sensible and knows all the facts. Do you really think she'd do something stupid?
Why don't you offer to drive her to whatever location and pick her up at an agreed time? My parents were always happy for me to go out so long as they knew where I was and what I was up to.
Just my opinion - hope it's useful.
Oops - should have added that 14 is okay to date in the sense of just going to the cinema or going to a cafe. And be back home around 21.00 unless mom has agreed to be chaffeur (drop off and pick up).
Double oops - just noticed the ages in the above post. No relation to Jane Griscti whatsoever.

[This message has been edited by Fiona Barker (edited October 14, 2001).]