paarul saxena

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since Jun 18, 2008
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Recent posts by paarul saxena

i couldnt upload on wall of fame..
please fwd the link..
16 years ago
hey all...thanks so much for so much help n encouragement...this site really suppported a lot in my score...if any help needed do contact for future scja qualifiers...special thanks to vishal gupta,anand shrivatava and all who are in the forum..and yes who can forget McKenzie
16 years ago
the answer to this question varies in mocks...
when class p is associate to class q with the multiplicity defined as *(many) on p side and 1 on q side...i.e many instnaces of q are associated with p...
which is the right answer??
class P{
Q q;
class Q
class P {}
class Q
16 years ago
thanxxx...for the help..that question did trouble me lot..
16 years ago
i have encountered javac -version as valid in few mocks and invalid on some..though its invalid on java compiler ..i have checked..
does javax.swing support trees and tables...the answer is again ambigous
16 years ago
i hava a trouble with a few programming questions...would be grateful if someone helps out..
supposedly a program construct creates two new instances as given below:
class Dog{
String name;
public static void main(Sting []args){
Dog d1=new Dog();
Dog d2=new Dog();"aiko";"aiko";
why no output is produced when according to mackenzie book it gives true??
16 years ago
i hava a trouble with a few programming questions...would be grateful if someone helps out..
supposedly a program construct creates two new instances as given below:
class Dog{
String name;
public static void main(Sting []args){
Dog d1=new Dog();
Dog d2=new Dog();"aiko";"aiko";
why no output is produced when according to mackenzie book it gives true?? planning to give it soon..
any tips...i havent purchased any mock exams...did your enthuware kit work..???mine does not...
16 years ago
i took a sun sample test consisting of 10 questions in scja..
could someone please guide me about the SUN PROFICIENCY TEST..
i couldnt locate it on SUN site for SCJA
16 years ago