Number formats are generally not synchronized. It is recommended to create separate format instances for each thread. If multiple threads access a format concurrently, it must be synchronized externally.
Originally posted by Roland Barcia:
It looks like you are throwing an exception all the way back up to the container. You should catch all possible checked Exceptions at the onMessage level to avoid it going back to the Container.
Originally posted by Roland Barcia:
I need to see more of the exception. There have been a few JMS XA related eFixes after 5.0.2 that you should look for.
Originally posted by Kaustubh Patil:
TLD stands for Tag Libraby Descriptor. Its basically an XML document that maps the tag names to their tag handlers. i.e. the classes that handle and generate the HTML output for the tag.
Also it has the specification about the attributes for the tag.
You can find more information about this on the Jakarta project site.
[ July 30, 2003: Message edited by: Kaustubh Patil ]
Originally posted by Chris Mathews:
It is possible that the messages are being moved to WebSphere MQ via a separate process (this is how I do these types of things). Therefore, all the internal JMS producers are insulated from the fact that WebSphere MQ is being used.
The separate moving process could either be another MDB/JMS Listener that explicitly writes to WebSphere MQ or a WebLogic Messaging Bridge. Messaging Bridges were added to WLS in 6.1 and are used to integrate with Foreign JMS Providers (exactly your situation). For more information see: Using the WebLogic Messaging Bridge.