André Campanini

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since Jun 20, 2008
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Recent posts by André Campanini

Welcome! All the best!

I hope to find the answers to some of the toughest Java multi threading questions.

To the authors:

Which big company or community is already using Camel in theirs applications? Are there some use cases to tell us?


-Andre Campanini - from Sao Paulo/Brazil
What do you think about the open-source SOA solutions by IONA (Apache with Progress Software)?

  • FUSE ESB - based on the Apache ServiceMix - JBI specification (JSR 208)
  • FUSE Message Broker - based on Apache ActiveMQ
  • FUSE Services Framework - based on Apache CXF. (plus: JAX-WS, JavaScript, REST, POJOs)
  • FUSE Mediation Router - based on Apache Camel
  • FUSE Integration Designer - based on Eclipse

  • Another question: does your book contain any of these solutions?
    15 years ago
    OSGi and Spring - These techniques / tools have something to do with the old META-INF and MANIFEST.MF?
    In "Linux world, there were options before JavaFX? If not, this is good or bad?
    15 years ago
    I think AJAX will dominate de world (wide web).

    Is there some information about JBoss Rich Faces mentioned in the book? This tool is making me so happy so I hope it get more new resources, even in server side (if possible).
    16 years ago
    Hi, everybody.

    I want to repeat this code in my page for any page I have:

    <h:commandLink action="#{cliente.selectNumberPage}" value="1">
    <f:param name="jsfcrud.chosenPage" value="0"/>

    For example, for a list with 3 pages, it would be:

    <h:commandLink action="#{cliente.selectNumberPage}" value="1">
    <f:param name="jsfcrud.chosenPage" value="1"/>
    <h:commandLink action="#{cliente.selectNumberPage}" value="2">
    <f:param name="jsfcrud.chosenPage" value="2"/>
    <h:commandLink action="#{cliente.selectNumberPage}" value="3">
    <f:param name="jsfcrud.chosenPage" value="3"/>

    I've tried with "c:forEach", but JSF doesn't recognize the variable when it's "loading" the page.

    Does everybody knows a way to do that in a good practice way?
    16 years ago

    I'm sorry for "revive" this topic... but I'd like to know a example of using Jasper Reports and JSF in that way cited?

    I'm having a lot of errors using "context.getExternalContext().dispatch(..." in a Managed Bean filter that call a report.

    Best regards!
    16 years ago

    I'm with the same doubt.

    How implement the calling between step 1 and 2. By calling a servlet?
    Thanks a lot for the tips! It will help me a lot besides clean my code!
    16 years ago
    The method HAS a body, I just didn't put it here this way in the example.
    16 years ago

    I got what I wanted doing this:

    regex = "(?m)void myMethod\\(\\)\r\n\\{\r\n\\}"
    String newFileContent = fileContent.replaceAll(regex, "/*"+regex+"*/");

    It replaces every method with coments... just what I wanted. I don't know if it is just right using regex this way... but is working, now...

    16 years ago
    Hi... I'm using JSF h:commandLink and I want something that I think won't work this way.

    I wanted to use f:param inside the h:commandLink to pass parameters by using a "rendered" property to the backing bean.

    Here is the code:

    h:commandLink rendered=UserMB.permission value="Menu Customers"
    f:param name="functionalityParam" value="customerList"

    It seems the parameter is "loaded" in the Map only at Action time, and don't at "rendered processing" time.

    Is it impossible to get what I want?

    Best regards, saloon!
    16 years ago
    Hi, again.

    I found a topic in this forum and I tested the code, but I think I don't know how to use some methods very well, like "replace all". Topic is:

    Using that code, when I look for "void myMethod(){}" works well, but if I change the text to multiple lines, it doesn't work.

    void myMethod()

    I'm posting the code that I tested.

    16 years ago

    Does anyone knows how can I do a "search and replace" using REGEX, but I want to match several lines.

    For example, I want to open a TXT file and find:

    and replace it for:

    Like "put" a comment on it.

    16 years ago