Robert Darling

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since Jun 21, 2008
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Whenever my session expires, my application throws this exception.
at com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.LoadBundleTag.doStartTag

Anyone knows how to solve this.

Kind Regards,

13 years ago
OK. How can i get the complete path of the current page. Like
13 years ago
That was a obvious solution. But i did not not want the user to see these. Is these not way to hide this information in the request object ?
13 years ago
Another question. I have 2 web application running on different servers . The first web app redirects t the second web app. In the first one i have the following code

In this second application for the body on load a call a java script function

The param variable is null. Whats going wrong? I might add that both aps are in JSF and the first piece of code is written in a backing bean.

Kind Regards,

13 years ago

My web application is such that various other web application redirect to it. I want to add a back button to the page so that which ever client cam e to this page i can go back to that client. Does the Request Object in JSP give me any information of where the request originated.

Kind Regards
13 years ago
Oops sorry. I was using eclipse and the console window had scrolled up so that only the last few lines were visible. But still can you explain the difference ebetween ?,* and +


I am trying to get to grips with with Regex. Like the following example

The ? quantifier means 0 or 1 times. The output that i get is

Why is it getting 4 then a 3 then 0 from the end and not the first portion ?
Will try this. I didn't order the hard copy because it would have taken to long for it to be delivered.
Got it from the Mcgraw Hill website in Adobe Digital Editions format. Not bad for 35$. Only issue is that i cannot print the book out or copy and paste from the contents. Unfair as i have paid for the book and its up to my discretion on how i use the book.
I intend to pay for the ebook. Not looking for a free download site.

I want to download the OCP Java SE 6 Programmer Practice Exams (Exam 310-065) (Certification Press) in PDF format.

Does anyone know of any reliable site where i can do this. I have been searching on the internet and i get the feeling that Adobe Digital editions will only work the system that i download it on. Is this correct? Will this be same case for the PDF. Any feedback in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Hi .. Thanks for the reply. You said that a MAP does not allow duplicate keys, but i understand a Hashtable does ? Is this correct. Both implement the MAP interface ?

While studying Java Collections , i cannot understand the main difference between HashMap and LinkedHashMap ? From what i understand The below given codes, HashMap does not maintain insertion order, but LinkedHashMap does ? Is this the only difference.

Output b,a,c

Output : a,b,c

Secondly how do you iterate over the values in a HashMap and HashTable ? Are we supposed to reuse the key returned by the keySet to get the value of the key ? Secondly a Set does not allow duplicates, so what about duplicate keys ?
Thanks for the suggestion. I was looking for some way to redirect the tomcat inbuilt with eclipse ?

Kind Regards,
I mean to ask how we can redirect console output from Tomcat to a Log file ?