sumanta panda

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since Jun 23, 2008
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Recent posts by sumanta panda

Dear All,

I am using .swf file in a webbased application.In my machine having internet exploper browser 7.0 and Adobe reader 9.0 version avaiable.

But when i running the application in my machine .swf file not loaded properly.
But other user(IE 7.0 and Adobe reader 7.0) in the same network using my machine IP address accessing my application and the .swf file properly loaded and able to visible the image.

Could you please suggest what is the root cause of the problem.

Hello All,

my date is commming in dd/mm/yyyy.I want to convert to yyyy-mm-dd in java.

That is 12/06/2010 to 2010-06-12.

Please suggest.

14 years ago
Dear Sir,

I am a begineer of using java scripts.Facing problem to implement change opacity/transparency of image on slider move.

The below given code for slider is working fine.But in the same code i want to implement how to change opacity/transparency of image on slider move.

in the html i have two image is mentioned.
's_imgControl':- 'img/bluev_bg.gif',
's_imgSlider': 'i-mg/bluev_sl.gif',

My requirement is if i move the bluev_sl.gif slider then automatically change opacity/transparency of image 's_imgControl':- 'img/bluev_bg.gif',

Requesting to please suggest/help me logic for implement it.



Thanks in advance.
Thanks and Regards,
Dear All,

I am beginner of spring frame work as well as java programmer.I am using Spring Webflow.
I have X.jsp and aCTION Class.
In my JSP page dont have submit button.

If i click on 1-2 year link then its value i am getting in Action class
by using RequestContext.
Also i want to get its value form:input id="faceValue" in the Action class.

Please note that i dont have submit button in my jsp page.Only if click on 1-2 year link then Facevalue text box and link value i am getting in the Action.

Please suggest me how can i achieve it in code.


Sumanta Panda
14 years ago
Dear Paul Sturrock,

Thanks for your response.Could you please tell me in which senario we should go with comparable and which senario we should go with comparator interface.

Sumanta Panda
14 years ago
Dear All,

Please suggest in which real life project senario we should go with Comparable and Comparator interface?

Sumanta Panda
14 years ago
Hello All,

In java how to interact/communicate between JVM to JVM.In which senario in the real life project we used the same.

Sumanta Panda
14 years ago
Dear All,

Suppose in struts we click on sumbmit button and again we click same button .Unless until first submit button request is not performed next time click on same buttion its request should not work.
Please suggest/help how we can handle it programtically.

Sumanta Panda
14 years ago
Dear All,

How to handle programatically in Struts web based Application if you click on Back Button in Browser the Page should Invalid?

Please help.

Sumanta Panda
14 years ago
Dear All,

Could you please suggest me how we write the piece of code for the needful?

14 years ago
Dear All,

In the Arraylist how to store multiple object(like Integer and String) in a Arraylist and passing the same obj in a method to getting the data.

Please suggest.

Thanks and Regards,
14 years ago
Dear All,

I know in the HashMap the Key and Value is as an Object?

Can we pass Primitive data type in the Hashmap?

If yes please suggest How do you store a primitive data type within a HashMap?

Thanks and Regards,
14 years ago
Dear All,

In Java equals() method overide from which class?

Thanks and Regards,
Sumanta Pnada
14 years ago
Dear William,

Thanks for your response.Sir i am begineer for writting xml program.
Could you please identity my mistake in the above given code and also suggest me what the piece of code i need to change so that it should work.

Thanks and Regards,
Sumanta Panda

Dear William Brogden,

Thanks William Brogden for your response.The character ''is an invalid XML character exception issue has been solved.This issue happened because of''the table record.When i remove'' this record from table.It is working.

One more issue i am facing.

My table contains 82704 correct records.I didnt get any error/exception while export in xml file.

While export, few records is export in the xml file .But from the end few records is not exported.

While open the generated xml file in the end the error message is showing


Please note that the location of the xml file contains enough space.

But how many maximum record we export in the xml file at a time.

The generated xml file size is 44.1 mb.

Please suggest how i resolve this issue.

Thanks for the understaning.

Sumanta Panda