NR Gopinath

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since Jul 25, 2001
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Recent posts by NR Gopinath

After seeing or entering candidate details thro' hyper link, are u reloading the page or simply coming back? if u reload the first page(page contains hyperlink and check box), then already checked boxes will come as empty.if u use javascript(history.back), then pervious information won't lost..
23 years ago
we are having one system in jsp which is running in Tomcat 3.2.1.Now we want to plug in part of this system to another system (written in CGI-Perl) which is running in Apache.we want to know how to plug in the system which is running in Tomcat 3.2.1 (jsp) to the Apache.
How can we connect tomcat to Apache server
we want configuration help for the above..
23 years ago
hai all
How to calculate the idle time of the browser or system in JSP or JS ?
23 years ago
hai all
There is a property to call a jsp after the session expires. What is that property which we will specify in 'web.xml'
If a session expires, i want to call or redirect a JSP file automatically. I don't want the code for that.
Tomcat is having a property where we can specify the JSP file and if session expires it will automatically load the specified JSP file.
What is that property?

Please reply me immediately
Thank you
23 years ago
Thank for the code's you have sent.
But, I don't want code for that. There is some property in Tomcat itself where we can specify the JSP page and if session expires it will automatically call that JSP. I want that property which we will write in web.xml
Please send me , i am waiting for your reply
Thank you
23 years ago
In <session-timeout>50</session-timeout> we can able to set the session time.
I want to redirect a jsp page when a session is expired.
How it is possible.
Is there any property which we have to set in Web.xml
Please reply me immediately
Thank you
23 years ago
We are using tomcat 3.2.1. it is giving the error message "unable to rename the class file" when more users concurrently hitting the page(At the same time).if we hit 1 or 2 sec delay means , it is working correctly. how to solve this problem. i want to know is there any settings in the server to set the concurrent users
[This message has been edited by NR Gopinath (edited July 31, 2001).]
23 years ago
I want to know, how to insert images(photo's) in to oracle 8 database using JSP.I want to store the image into database not the path.
23 years ago
I want to know how to create connection pool in Tomcat 3.2.1 for Oracle 8 database.we are using jsp as front end
23 years ago