Deepak Lal

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 01, 2008
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Recent posts by Deepak Lal

Hi ben,
1. how is your functional programming book different from other books like Java 8 in action

2.what are the positive takeaways from the book

3.Could you give me some insights about the book -> A Functional approach to Java

4.can you explain any concept from your book with a java 8 example

Thanks and Regards,
Deepak Lal

Welcome Ben Weidg,
   Its a pleasure meeting you on javaranch forums

Deepak Lal
Hi All,
         I'm facing a Error as below  while accessing the localhost url  

         HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error

         org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to find taglib [bean] for URI: [/tags/struts-bean]

Type Exception Report

Message Unable to find taglib [bean] for URI: [/tags/struts-bean]

Description The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to find taglib [bean] for URI: [/tags/struts-bean]

Note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the server logs.

My web.xml has been added as below


Furthermore struts-taglib-1.3.5.jar is added in WEB-INF\lib folder

Login.jsp has below entries

<%@ taglib uri=”/tags/struts-bean” prefix=”bean” %>

<%@ taglib uri=”/tags/struts-html” prefix=”html” %>

All the tlds are under WEB-INF folder.

Please help me to resolve the issue  

Thanks and Regards,

2 years ago
Currently build.xml file is showing Build Unsuccessful

Could you tell me what properties to be set for property tag for $ related fields in the below build.xml file
So that build.xml file builds successfully.

<property name="build_dir_war" value="${build_dir}/MyProject_WAR"/>

<pathelement location="${java_home}/lib/tools.jar"/>

<mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}"/>

<mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}/WEB-INF"/>
<mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<javac classpathref="web.classpath" executable="${javacompiler}" fork="yes" srcdir="${src_web_java}" destdir="${build_dir_war}/WEB-INF/classes/"> <classpath> <fileset dir="${external_jar_classpath}">

<copy todir="${build_dir_war}/" preservelastmodified="true"> <fileset dir="${src_web_jsp}">

<copy toDir="${build_dir_war}${web_apps_property_destination}"> <fileset dir="${web_apps_property_source}" includes="*.properties"/></copy>

<!-- make the war-->
<jar destfile="${build_dir_war}/tess_new.war">
<fileset dir="${build_dir_war}" includes="**/*.*"/> </jar> </target>

<!-- Delete the ${build_dir_war} used by jsp compilation --> <target name="compile_clean_jsp" description="compile clean for jsp build" > <delete dir="${build_dir_war}/"/> <mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}"/> </target>

<!-- Delete the ${build_dir} directory -->
<target name="buildclean"  description="compileclean up" > <delete dir="${build_dir}/"/> </target>

Deepak Lal
2 years ago

Stephan van Hulst wrote:Why are you using Ant, and not Maven or Gradle?

I think im posting my questions in ant forum but not the gradle or maven forum. Im using ant as a build tool.

Can you answer to my ant question ?

Deepak Lal
2 years ago

Tim Holloway wrote:Apparently there is no definition in the Ant build.xml file for the property named "src_web_java". It's not something that's built into Ant, so you have to define it yourself.




Build Tools » Ant with Ivy

${src_web_java} does not exist during Ant Build failure

Deepak Lal , Ranch Hand

Jun 03, 2022 11:53:21


Hi Everyone,

Im running a ant's build.xml file and im getting an errorMessage as below. Could you please tell me why ${src_web_java} does not exist  and Ant build.xml is failing

<javac classpathref="web.classpath" executable="${javacompiler}" fork="yes" srcdir="${src_web_java}" destdir="${build_dir_war}/WEB-INF/classes/"> <classpath> <fileset dir="${external_jar_classpath}"> <include name="**/*.jar"/> </fileset> </classpath> <include name="com/**/*.java"/> </javac>

warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds

BUILD FAILED D:\MyProject\build.xml:33: srcdir "D:\ MyProject\${src_web_java}" does not exist!

what is the reason of failing build.?
Please help me with this ?

Deepak Lal

Tim Holloway , Saloon Keeper staff

Jun 03, 2022 14:17:49

+1 -1 Quote Report

Apparently there is no definition in the Ant build.xml file for the property named "src_web_java". It's not something that's built into Ant, so you have to define it yourself.

Deepak Lal , Ranch Hand

Jun 06, 2022 01:16:37


Currently build.xml file is showing Build Unsuccessful

Could you tell me what properties to be set for property tag for $ related fields in the below build.xml file
So that build.xml file builds successfully.

<property name="build_dir_war" value="${build_dir}/MyProject_WAR"/>

<pathelement location="${java_home}/lib/tools.jar"/>

<mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}"/>

<mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}/WEB-INF"/>
<mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<javac classpathref="web.classpath" executable="${javacompiler}" fork="yes" srcdir="${src_web_java}" destdir="${build_dir_war}/WEB-INF/classes/"> <classpath> <fileset dir="${external_jar_classpath}">

<copy todir="${build_dir_war}/" preservelastmodified="true"> <fileset dir="${src_web_jsp}">

<copy toDir="${build_dir_war}${web_apps_property_destination}"> <fileset dir="${web_apps_property_source}" includes="*.properties"/></copy>

<!-- make the war-->
<jar destfile="${build_dir_war}/tess_new.war">
<fileset dir="${build_dir_war}" includes="**/*.*"/> </jar> </target>

<!-- Delete the ${build_dir_war} used by jsp compilation --> <target name="compile_clean_jsp" description="compile clean for jsp build" > <delete dir="${build_dir_war}/"/> <mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}"/> </target>

<!-- Delete the ${build_dir} directory -->
<target name="buildclean"  description="compileclean up" > <delete dir="${build_dir}/"/> </target>

Deepak Lal

2 years ago
Currently build.xml file is showing Build Unsuccessful

Could you tell me what properties to be set for property tag for $ related fields in the below build.xml file
So that build.xml file builds successfully.

<property name="build_dir_war" value="${build_dir}/MyProject_WAR"/>

<pathelement location="${java_home}/lib/tools.jar"/>

<mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}"/>

<mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}/WEB-INF"/>
<mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<javac classpathref="web.classpath" executable="${javacompiler}" fork="yes" srcdir="${src_web_java}" destdir="${build_dir_war}/WEB-INF/classes/"> <classpath> <fileset dir="${external_jar_classpath}">

<copy todir="${build_dir_war}/" preservelastmodified="true"> <fileset dir="${src_web_jsp}">

<copy toDir="${build_dir_war}${web_apps_property_destination}"> <fileset dir="${web_apps_property_source}" includes="*.properties"/></copy>

<!-- make the war-->
<jar destfile="${build_dir_war}/tess_new.war">
<fileset dir="${build_dir_war}" includes="**/*.*"/> </jar> </target>

<!-- Delete the ${build_dir_war} used by jsp compilation --> <target name="compile_clean_jsp" description="compile clean for jsp build" > <delete dir="${build_dir_war}/"/> <mkdir dir="${build_dir_war}"/> </target>

<!-- Delete the ${build_dir} directory -->
<target name="buildclean"  description="compileclean up" > <delete dir="${build_dir}/"/> </target>

Deepak Lal
2 years ago
Hi Everyone,

Im running a ant's build.xml file and im getting an errorMessage as below. Could you please tell me why ${src_web_java} does not exist  and Ant build.xml is failing

<javac classpathref="web.classpath" executable="${javacompiler}" fork="yes" srcdir="${src_web_java}" destdir="${build_dir_war}/WEB-INF/classes/"> <classpath> <fileset dir="${external_jar_classpath}"> <include name="**/*.jar"/> </fileset> </classpath> <include name="com/**/*.java"/> </javac>

warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds

BUILD FAILED D:\MyProject\build.xml:33: srcdir "D:\ MyProject\${src_web_java}" does not exist!

what is the reason of failing build.?
Please help me with this ?

Deepak Lal
2 years ago

Deepak Lal wrote:Jeanne and scott,
           What are the winners getting a ebook or a hard copy
Because a hard copy is worth carrying and reading

Hope to win a copy of print version of this book.

Deepak Lal

When are the winners going to be announced.?
Jeanne and scott,
           What are the winners getting a ebook or a hard copy
Because a hard copy is worth carrying and reading

Hope to win a copy of print version of this book.

Deepak Lal