Kothandaraman Narashimman

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since Jul 02, 2008
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Recent posts by Kothandaraman Narashimman

Hi Surya,

Can you tell me how you had integrated GWT with Struts??

Can you send me the code snippets to me??

My mail id is [email protected]

Thanks & Regards,
Kothandaraman N.
15 years ago
Actually i got the same type of situation with the same issue. so i'm trying to help the user's who are all getting this issue in future. May be you got that in wrong way..

15 years ago
Try to restart the IDE which you are using. I got the same issue then it got resolved after restarting my eclipse.

Thanks & Regards,
Kothandaraman N.

15 years ago

I do want to set the username and password dynamically in hibernate.cfg.xml

Here below is my configuration file.

Also im getting that session factory object like the below code.

So, in this above scenario, suppose if im giving the wrong password means exception should be caught and the string variable "GuigenserviceImpl.strAccpted" should be assigned to false.

But im getting the SQL Exception only in console like wrong username and password. And finally i couldn't able to catch the exception in Sessions class, static block.

Anyone can help me in catching that SQL Exception in my Sessions class and i need to handle that SQL Exception in my class.

Im getting this following exception message in my console.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks & Regards,
Kothandaraman N.