J J Wright

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since Jul 02, 2008
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A Business Domain Model, as the name suggests, describes how a business functions. Your class diagram,.as part of the Design Model, describes the software implementation. The Business Architect, or whoever else produced the Business Domain Model, probably doesn't care about the exact semantics of the business-employee relationship, so they left it off their diagram.
I split my class diagrams up. There was no way I could fit all my classes on a single, manageable, diagram. However, the split was along consistent and clearly defined lines.Each diagram had a clearly defined singular purpose. To avoid any ambiguity, I also used my supporting documentation to spell out my reasons for doing so.
There is no "one size fits all". Make a decision based on what's best for your assignment, and the level of detail you want to portray.

I followed a simple rule of thumb, and that was to keep my diagrams concise, cohesive, and manageable. Humphrey Sheil talks about avoiding splitting up diagrams, but only in sense that they should not be split along arbitrary lines. You wouldn't write 1000+ line Java classes to perform 10 unrelated tasks, so why do it in your UML?

Which one is the best, in terms of matching the SUN reviewer expectations?

The one that facilitates simple diagrams with a well defined singular objective. You can also talk about the structure of your diagrams in your supporting documentation if you want to make it super-clear to the examiner.

The question remains, how can i represent a call in a sequence diagram assuming that i´m using dependency injection

I don't see your problem here. The fact of the matter is, you're not using dependency injection, the container is. Let's assume BeanA is invoking some method on BeanB. How BeanA got a reference to BeanB is completely irrelevant in the context of the method call.

I´m not aware of any arrow with dependency injection on it.

That's because you model structure in class, not sequence, diagrams.

Can anyone point to any examples?

No, because it wouldn't make sense.

1. Can we design the system based on STRUTS or JSF frameworks? Any specific preferences and do we need to mention the reason for choosing the framework in the assumption sections?

There is no guideline mentioned on usage of frameworks any where. My suggestion is go for the framework which is designed by Sun.

Better still, why not use choose a framework based on your functional and non-functional requirements. Surely that's what you'd be doing in the real world.
I don't think the missing chapters were ever created. From what I can see, the notes are copied verbatim from various books or specifications. The missing chapters appear to be for subjects where this wasn't a straightforward exercise. Alternatively, they may have been removed for copyright infringement - who knows?
OK, assuming you're having the same problems I had you need to get (i.e. demand) confirmation that Prometric is registering you as having completed all three parts. As I mentioned in a previous post, I contacted Sun Educational Services. If you physically speak to someone and demand action it's harder for them to ignore you.

The only positive is that once the problem was identified, Sun did mark my assignment very quickly.

However, the really annoying part is that this problem seems to have been going on for some time. For example, this thread, started way back in 2007 on the SCJD forum, describes exactly the same problem I had.
Humphrey Sheil (who authored the Big Smokes assignment) recommends against "Fragmenting UML diagrams according to some arbitrary scheme" (see page 20).

However, if you're diagrams are becoming overly complex and/or cluttered perhaps it's time to refactor them. If you ensure each diagram has a single well defined purpose, and you're consistent across all diagrams, you can't go far wrong (that's my opinion).
Another way of thinking about it:

  • Associations exist for the lifetime of the object
  • Dependencies are transitory relationships

  • Check out Scott Ambler's guidelines. Ambler's Element's of UML 2.0 Style is a really worthwhile book - I found it far more useful than UML Distilled.
    I finally received my results after 8 weeks and a lot of hassle.

    The correspondence I've received from Sun over the pass few days suggests there are still serious problems with Prometric, If you've been waiting for a long time I'd strongly advise you to contact Sun and keep on at them till something happens.

    Apparently, Prometric was not registering me as having completed all three parts (how this happens when you have a unique candidate ID I'll never know, but it seems to be a recurring problem for some candidates). In fact, I had to resend my assignment directly to Sun (make sure you keep a secure backup of your assignment in case this happens to you).

    Troubles aside, at least I can relax now I've passed.

    Thanks again to all the people who contributed to the discussions on this forum over the pass few months.


    I've just been reacquainting myself with this thread. It's probably best if we limit discussion to generic assignment questions.

    There was another post in this forum, where in a gentleman was talking about uploading jar files and HTML, Images, src files. Now, that post made my doubts go further

    Your UML diagrams will ultimately end up as image files. Your supporting documentation is in HTML format. You submit your work as a JAR file. In this sense, the JAR is simply an archive (i.e. a zip file with the .jar extension). It doesn't contain source code.

    All of this is covered explicitly in the assignment.

    It makes a lot of sense for me to use generic ProductCategory instead of those 3, but is it allowed, as in assignment it is stated that objects on domain model are key objects and should be addresed in our design?

    I think this is fine. The business entities in a domain model don't necessarily have to be reflected "as is" in the design model. OOA&D is obviously about keeping the representational gap between the two as low as possible. If you assume the business entities are product categories I think you still achieve that.