Kumaravadivel Subramani

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since Jul 05, 2008
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Recent posts by Kumaravadivel Subramani

I suspect about the namespace it used in the WSDL file. The type <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="RelatedXXX" type="tns:RelatedXXX"/> is used a namespace of RelatedXXX that in turn inherits hierarchy from <xs:element name="RelatedXXX" nillable="true" type="tns:ArrayOfRelatedXXX"/> ArrayOfRelatedXXX. Can you just check with this?
9 years ago
You can check this below link for reference. But this example is of Angularjs.

Please try to do it yourself and if you stuck with that, we will help you. Asking code for your requirement is not a best way to use this forum and you cannot learn in a meaningful way.
9 years ago
Was it a configuration issue that you have corrected? If you post the solution, it might be helpful for others who all are also experiencing the same problem.
9 years ago
As Vishal said, "/" should be there in the @Path string. It has to be @Path("/city"), otherwise the url you are referring would be considered as http://localhost:8080/rest/services/resultcity and in this url pattern no service has declared. Just change it and let us know.
9 years ago
As mentioned by William, the business or connectivity(in terms of calling any service) logic should be in Servlet only. Jsp pages will just request some resource and ideally your Servlet should recognize the request and pass to the appropriate service/component. If you use Spring 3 Rest service, you can map the URL pattern to invoke the service and no need of Servlet in place as controller. But it depends on your design how you have implemented.
9 years ago
I hope the below sample package might give you some insight on SAML implementation in java.

11 years ago
Thanks Rob. After enormous site search, I had found one good link with example which explained me well. I just share here for others, it may be helpful.

11 years ago
I am also searching for some sample examples from which I can start SAML 2.0 implementation for my web sites. Can somebody just point me the tutorial or sample package on this?
@Atul Darne:: Have you implemented the same?
11 years ago
I have understood the concept of SAML 2.0 and trying to implement the same for my web applications which are j2ee complaint. I searched for a better document to configure/write the logic but none of the example I had searched for is good. Most of the examples were specific to tool and I need a basic complete guide to proceed further. Please point me in right direction.
11 years ago
Thank you very much Marc Dzaebel and others who have guided me on this. Really Java Ranch rocks by providing exact answers despite of late reply.
11 years ago
Need to know how to pass dynamic request parameters to WSRP Producer portlet, since producer would accept dynamic request param and send response back based on this. I've searched and tried with debug but no luck still now. Please let me know the steps/configurations to solve this. Thanks.
12 years ago
Even hibernate documentation recommends to keep both types of file in your class path.
An alternative approach to configuration is to specify a full configuration in a file named hibernate.cfg.xml. This file can be used as a replacement for the hibernate.properties file or, if both are present, to override properties.