sreedhar Lackka

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since Jul 05, 2008
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Recent posts by sreedhar Lackka

Hi All,

Thanks in advance.

I have created a table test with column names, name varchar2,Date1 Date.

I am trying to insert data into this table like

However when I do select it is simply showing Name1 and 10/25/2011 however I was expecting to display in 25-Oct-11 without applying again Tochar and Todate.

Please guide me.

13 years ago
We verified logs however it is not giving in that error. Exactly after 5 min it is throwing error.

13 years ago
Hi All,
Thanks in advance.
In our application we are using Websphere and “IHS”. And we have a functionality to upload a XLS for processing and browser will wait till it get response from back end however after 5 min it is giving us 500 error saying internal server error.
Could any one help us?
13 years ago
Thanks I got the solution
13 years ago

Thanks in advance.

I am using TDM (Toad Modeler) for my design.

Exanple: I have 3 tables, say Table 1 ,Table2 and Table 3

Table 1 has Col1 as primary key and Table2 has Col2 which is a PK again. I draw a normal Relationship from Table1 to Table2 which created a PFK in Table which is correct and then I draw a realtionship from Table2 to Table 3 which created two PFKs however I was expecting only one PFK which is Col2 as PFK in Table3 but even col1 is also appearing in the Table3.

Please help me what to do

Hi Friends,

Thanks in advance.

Using below code snippet we will get multi select box with 1st button as <- and -> , however I would like to have in reverse order. Is it possible? If yes could you please help me in solving this issue with some links or example code.

13 years ago
Any help please?
13 years ago
Hi All,

Thanks in advance.

We are using struts j-query grid in which we have a requirement to have a field with date picker.
Could any one please help me with example for sj:grid/sj:gridColumn with sj:datepicker .

13 years ago

Thanks in advance.

Could any one help me with example code to get a hand cursor when using <sj:datepicker>.

13 years ago
Thanks for your reply.

The high level code looks like below,

The proc will accept this in parameter, and perform select with in caluse

select name from xsdr where num in (varName)

here varName is the value sent from Java



Thanks in advance.
I would like to pass a comma separated string to my stored procedure. When I send a single value it is working correctly however If I pass more than one it is not returning any parameter in JDBC.
I have a select query which uses in like ‘select name from where roll_no in (‘10a’,’10e’,’11j’);
I have java variable to hold this comma separated value.

Please guide me.

Hi All,
Thanks in advance.
We are using file in our application and we are writing the logs to some file using log4j.appender.I1.File. Which is working fine and adding the Debug and Info related messages but in some places I have System.out.println() the messages which are given under this are not coming , please let me know what to do to achieve this.

Hi All,

Thanks in advance.

In our application we are suing Struts-JQuery grid, <sjg:gridColumn> and <sjg:grid>. I have mentioned the column header name in the title attribute of <sjg:gridColumn> however since the title is having more characters so I am able to see some of the text.
Example Time " This is my projected amount in India" , I wan to wrap this title how can i do this?

Thanks & Regards,
14 years ago
Hi All,

Thanks in advance.

I would like to do the date comparision in Java without any caluculations like days*hours....

Just want to know whether the two selected days difference is below one year.
Please advice and give me some example code.

Thanks & Regards,
14 years ago
Thanks a lot for your help.

I am able to access and open the file which is of any type but the code is working only for local files. i.e., If I create a folder in my local machine and put some file there and can able open the same file.
Howerver, I am unable to open the file which stored in Appserver's NAS link.. I am giving the file path as /opt/...../x.txt, still unable to open the file I am getting 404 error.

please advice
14 years ago