tadi raja

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since Jul 07, 2008
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Recent posts by tadi raja

i am using GrigBag Layout for this one
14 years ago
actually i have a main panel and have 3 sub panels, top panel covers the entire frame, left panel contains some components like JComboBox,radio buttons and some labels, the combobox takes large width when combobox popup data has a smaller text, the only reason for that it takes larger width for entire left panel,i am using setMinimumSize() and setPreferredSize() to reduce the size for combo boxes, the height will reflecting but not the width, my idea is if i reduce the combo box width, the left panel size is automatically shrinked, please give me any suggestion about this.

thanks in advance
14 years ago
I have a doubt in JComboBox, i want to display JComboBox width size and and its contents width size must be the same, i am using setMinimumSize() and setPreferredSize(), it doesn't works, only height can be reflecting but not width, is there any alternate way to do this ? can you please help me. if i minimize the JComboBox width size means JPanel size is automatically shrinked.

Thanks in advance
14 years ago
Hi All,
I have a JFrame. i want to click on some component in JFrame, JFrame gets maximized (grows) its size and once maximized the JFrame, i want to click on JFrame's Border, it can be minimised (Shrinked). can you please help me how to do this one ?

thanks in advance
14 years ago

please find the attached screen shot when maximise the frame

thank you in advance ..
15 years ago
Hi Rob Camick,
you mentioned the comboBox.setMaximumSize(refComboBox.getPreferredSize()); method is not working ....
15 years ago
Hi All,
I have a small doubt in JComboBox. I want to add combo box to JPanel, here i am using BoxLayout to add combobox to the panel. here my doubt is that when i am maximise the frame, the combobox size automatically increasing in the panel , it occupies the entire panel, i don't how it is happening, it is the functionality of the JcomboBox ? please suggest me.

Thank You in Advance..
15 years ago
Thank you for your replies.actually my problem is that splitpane having divider to seperate two panels,the main problem is that once i drag the splitpane there is a gap(space) between two panels mentioned in the screen shot.The problem is not the dotted lines.i will send the small part of the code also.

15 years ago
even if i use JSplitPane.setDividerSize(8) in the code, i didn't get any change for my screen
15 years ago
I have a doubt using splitpane,i have two panels,on left hand side "search options" panel and right hand side "search" panel.when i use splitpane,those two panels are seperated by 2 dotted lines, i want to show only one dotted line between those two panels.please find the attached screen shot for the same any idea please help me

thank you in advance
15 years ago
I got ConcurrentModificationException everytime, that means right click on an item when popup displays at the same time when i left click on another item from the list. whenever i right click on an item from the list on the right to bring up a pop up window, then left click on a different item(not on the menu).previous solution was when i use MouseAdapter instead of MouseListener,the problem has been solved.but if i use mouseAdapter instead of MouseListener, lots of dependencies in my code has been corrupted.is there any better idea for this issue.

thanks in advance
15 years ago
Finally i got the solution .Thanks to Maneesh Godbole for his help .... in my code. Instead of implementing all the listeners in the MouseListener interface, i am using MouseAdapter class to implement a particular listener.

15 years ago
here is the code ..

15 years ago
Here is the stack trace

15 years ago
I don't know exactly how to use a stack trace .. help me you have any idea ?
15 years ago