Arjun Abhishek

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since Jul 08, 2008
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Recent posts by Arjun Abhishek

Can you please explain how 3 cuts makes 8 pieces ?
15 years ago

Can't you return a string containing the content of xml to print from the method instead of void. so that the WS client will consume the string and print it.

15 years ago
That is one of the Gmail lab feature "Undo Send by Yuzo F". you need to enable the feature to use it.
15 years ago

Thanks for your input.

I wish to stick to the technology side than management.

I still need more info on being a solution engineer. Will SDLC be followed by a solution engineer. (I was said that each solution will take at most 3 weeks to complete.) Will product based companies in future consider my profile as a product developer. Does choosing this profile reduce my chances in the future.

Thanks and regards
15 years ago
Hi All,

I need advice on my next career move.

I'm currently working for a product based company as Software engineer in Solutions teams. My current job includes developing POC with existing product for customer requirements, add additional features to products that product team would have not incorporated in the product yet for various reason. (Our code might be replaced once product team agrees to incorporate these features.) and integrate the products with other 3rd party products to show the value addition our product brings to customer.

I have got 2 offers right now. Both are from start up companies. One of them is Senior solution engineer. JD is same as my current profile. The other is for product development but in different domain. This job seems to be like some site development.

My objective of job change is to improve my coding skills and get very good understanding of technologies.

I would like to know

1. If joining a start up is good idea?
2. Being a solution engineer I would get breath in technologies, but not the depth. Is is good in a long run for a developer.
3. Being a server side programmer for past 3.5 years (mostly in core Java and xml), How would being in a site development help me?

Or should I dump these offer and look for other openings. Basically I need to know if these jobs would satisfy my objectives.

Thanks and regards
15 years ago

This is the method i that gives error. I have session as a field and is initialized at the constructor of the class

When I call this method in a for loop with a string array.

The first insert in the table happens. while the second insert, I get error, "Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.SessionException: Session is closed!"

Please let me know why this happens.

Currently I am doing that only. Instead of the name, I have another entity that needs to be loaded from the data base. So it is like 2 select statements to load the child and Parent (both of type person). and another statement to update the child with the new parent set in it. There are 3 sql statement executed in the database.

And as you suggest if we are going to use NativeSqlStatement, there is only one sql statement executed in the DB. This should increase the performance.

My doubt here is does using HQL always result in performance hit when compared to native sql.

Thanks Leo.

I would like to also know if the same can be done using HQL as simple as you posted with NativeSqlQuery.

Thanks again.
Hi All,

I have a parent and child relationship. Both are of type Person. I need to know how to update the child's parent. Currently I am loading the parent and child from the database and then set the parent to the child and update the child. Is there an simple update statement for the same. My current code is

where the named query is

I need query like

But instead of the type String, in my case it is Person. Should I need to load new and old Peron to make a update statement.

Thanks in advance.
Case 1 : Declaring a object in a code block.
In your case, both declaration and creation happens in the same line. The line is illegal because of the declaration not not because of creation.

Case 2 : Declaring a object in a loop.

To answer you, 5 objects will be created and all the 5 objects will be eligible for GC as it has no reference outside the block.

Hope this does not confuse you further.


15 years ago

Can you change the order and export of the jar and dependencies in the eclipse.
Go to the properties of the project, in the java build path, the last tab you will find order and export. Make sure all the jar that are dependent to your jar are loaded before your jar.

PS: Though manifest in the jar is the right approach, this might help too.

15 years ago

I have written the solution for identifying if the words with digits are a valid number. While this solution is simple, it can be expanded by adding more regex to the Pattern.

Please let me know in what are the cases this program would fail and if possible how that could be avoided.

15 years ago

Please check if this code piece helps you.


15 years ago
M K Rayapudi's reply to ankit would be.. "I'm not asking your profession, but who are you."

Every one is a soul, which has a body to reside, which got a name to call and other attributes.....

15 years ago
It says: You are currently using 1053 MB (14%) of your 7375 MB.
15 years ago