srinivas bodapati

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since Jul 09, 2008
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Recent posts by srinivas bodapati

thanks for the reply agin,

I don't think its the problem with scope,

If it is so, the logic should not work at all, I mean the button should not show up or should show up all the time.

But the display works fine, the buttons functionality is not working-- the button is not calling the action it is supposed to if I have this particular expression in the rendered tag.

That works fine if change the expression or remove it completely.

I hope you got what I am trying to explain here.
16 years ago
I dont know whats goinn on exactly with my browser,

because the same works when I try to access it using my internal browser available with RAD.

But the same fails to open when I use my external browser.

Any how, thanks for the response though.
16 years ago
Hi all,

I have two command buttons on my jsp, which I should show or hide based on the user action for which I have set a property in by backed bean.

i am using the rendered tag for this, the logic works fine

I mean the buttons are displayed accordingly, but one of the button does not work having the particular expression in the rendered tag,
below is my code....

<hx:commandExButton type="submit" value="Save"
styleClass="commandExButton" id="button1"
rendered="#{empty manage_News.actionType}"/>
<hx:commandExButton type="submit" value="Update"
styleClass="commandExButton" id="button2"
rendered="#{not empty manage_News.actionType}" />

the save button works good,

coming to the UPDATE button it is shown or hide accordingly based on the expression and what I expect

but the update button never hit my action having this particular expression,

if I change the expression like #{empty manage_News.actionType} it is displayed accordingly and also works fine,

can any one help me with this EL or if is there any problem with using 'not empty'

thank you.
16 years ago
Thanks for the reply Bauke Scholtz ,

Yes, my file is there.

This is working fine if try to open another jsp file in the same path, but unable to open a PDF.
16 years ago
hi everybody,

I am trying to open a PDF file from my JSF app on click of a link.

But when I click on this link my browser throws the error saying ...

SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle localhost:10040 has not been defined.

but i have the MIME type defined in my web.xml file

and below is the code I am having in my jsp

<hx:outputLinkEx value="/abc.pdf" target="_blank"
styleClass="outputLinkEx" id="linkEx1">

the file abbc.pdf is in my webcontent.

can any one help me on this.

16 years ago
There are known compatibility issues with Portal 6.1 and Rad 7.

I strongly recommend you to go for RAD 7.5 if you are working on Portal 6.1
16 years ago
If you want the user to enter his settings and want the portlet to modify its view based on these seetings, then the best option would be to use the configure/personalize/edit mode of the portlet, which you set while creating the portlet or can add from the portlet.xml file.

The other option would be to have a portlet preference set and make copies of your portlet as many as you want and set the value of this preference for each portlet.
Thus each portlet has its own setting and displays its own view.
16 years ago
are you guys making a struts portlet or a basic portlet ??
16 years ago
can you be a bit clear....

Do you want to call a Portal from another Portal or

a Portlet from another Portlet ???
16 years ago
JSR286 does not support the struts mvc framework.

As the JSR286 speaks more about event processing for IPC it is always better to go for the Faces portlets.

You can even choose Basic Portlets, as you said there are lot of forms involved, but you don't want to do the old servlet style processing any more I guess.

so JSF would make it easy for you with simple drag n drop UI componenets to make your forms.
16 years ago
hi sashi,

For your problem, I think you can have a different form in each of your <f:subview> and thus a command button submits only that form.
16 years ago

I am hitting some errors when trying to use fileuploader that comes with JSf


<hx:fileupload styleClass="fileupload" id="fileupload1"
<hx:fileProp name="fileName" />
<hx:fileProp name="contentType" />
<hx:progressBar auto="true" timeInterval="1000" proportion="5"
styleClass="progressBar" id="bar1" style="color: #fd025a"
initHidden="true" outward="true" message="Upload Success">

I am unable to see the status bar...when i Click my submit button that submits the form.

or else do i need to have a separate button for the upload process.

my other concern is, how do i save the file i upload from my jsp.

I am a novice javascript:%20x()in JSF.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you

S R I.javascript:%20x()
16 years ago

Can any body help me with the way we set the access to certain pages in websphere portal 6.0 based on the user groups.

I have tried creating a new rule where the attribute is "Current Portal Users.Groups" and the value is the Group name.

but my portal is not behaving in the expected way when a user of a certain group logs in.

Is there any thing tricky in this ?!

thank you.
16 years ago
Hi all,

Had any one worked with the IBM portlet for Google gadgets. I have been trying to configure this on my Portal but had not found any luck so far. I was able to deploy it successfully but not able to configure it.

So could any one out there tell me the right way to do it.

Thank you.
16 years ago