Hi all,
I have two command buttons on my jsp, which I should show or hide based on the user action for which I have set a property in by backed bean.
i am using the rendered tag for this, the logic works fine
I mean the buttons are displayed accordingly, but one of the button does not work having the particular expression in the rendered tag,
below is my code....
<hx:commandExButton type="submit" value="Save"
styleClass="commandExButton" id="button1"
rendered="#{empty manage_News.actionType}"/>
<hx:commandExButton type="submit" value="Update"
styleClass="commandExButton" id="button2"
rendered="#{not empty manage_News.actionType}" />
the save button works good,
coming to the UPDATE button it is shown or hide accordingly based on the expression and what I expect
but the update button never hit my action having this particular expression,
if I change the expression like #{empty manage_News.actionType} it is displayed accordingly and also works fine,
can any one help me with this EL or if is there any problem with using 'not empty'
thank you.