Nipun Bahr

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since Jul 09, 2008
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Recent posts by Nipun Bahr

thanks Ashwini, Steve and Campbell for your valuable inputs
12 years ago

Hi All,

If I use the code

String s = null;

as expected, It gives me null pointer exception.

But when I use the code
String s = null;
s = s + "hlo";

It prints 'nullhlo'

Could anybody please explain this behaviour.
12 years ago

hi deepak,

You can mention the experience on your resume. Just tell the employer that the company went south. No harm in being honest.

even I feel that would be the appripriate way
12 years ago
Hi Maneesh,

Thanks for your reply.

Do these documents also contain salary slips? Was your tax deducted at source? Do you have a form 16

I did not not have salary slips as I used to get the salary via cheques, no TDS/Form 16 either as salary was under the tax limit

But I have all original certifcates given by the company at the time of leaving.
12 years ago

Hi Jesus/Seethraman,

thanks for sharing your thoughts.

first of all I would like to tell you guys that it was a genuine work experience and I dont want to let go that 10 months work period.

I registered my NSR profile and mentioned that IT firm there but not got any verification done by NSR.

My only concern is that it should not cause me a background check failure..that will be worst
12 years ago
Hi All,

I started my carrer from a small IT firm.

Recently I came to know that IT firm has shut down, though I have all legal releving certificates from that IT firm.

Now in future whenver my background verification will happen it might give new employer an impression that I presented them with a fake experience and they might take an action against me.

what to do in such situation, kindly guide and share your experiences.
12 years ago

Tim Moores wrote:Why did you post the question a second time? What was wrong with the responses you got in the other thread where you asked this question?

Hi Tim,

Sorry for the confusion.

Actually after posting question I realized this is not the right section to ask this type of question thats why I moved the question to 'Sockets and Internet Protocols' section.
12 years ago
Hi Neha,

Were you able to connect using above approach?

I am also stuck with same issue, so please suggest if you found a way
12 years ago
Hi Tim,

Thanks for your response.

JSch download is restricted at my place.

Can we do the same using Process Builder?

I need to run a unix script on remote machine by supplying two arguments, please suggest.
Hi All,

I want to Use Java to run shell script on Unix server installed on remote macine.

Can you please suggest me the ways to achieve this?

Any ideas/suggestions would be higly appreciated
Hi All,

I want to Use Java to run shell script on Unix server installed on remote macine.

Can you please suggest me the ways to achieve this?

Any ideas/suggestions would be higly appreciated.

12 years ago

I am facing one issue.

Once I debug and disconnect, again it does not connect to remote machine and shows a message-

Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused.
Connection refused: connect

Please suggest.
12 years ago

Yes , I am able to debug with above said settings.

Only issue is that debugging process is slow.
12 years ago
Hi Sudipto,

I made the changes in address value of startweblogic.cmd file as below-

set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=80,server=y,suspend=n %SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS%

and this is the port number i.e. 80 which I am hitting from my eclipse debug configurations.
12 years ago
Hi Sudipto,

Thanks for your reply.

I am able to debug now

Earlier I was not able to connect I think due to some firewalls. I tried then with port number 80 and I am able to debug.

One think is that the debugging process is quite slow, so can we go for some other port number?? provided that it should by pass the firewall.

I tried randomly with other port numbers(excluding 80), It did not work
12 years ago