Pramod P Deore

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since Jul 15, 2008
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Recent posts by Pramod P Deore

Pramod P Deore wrote:Hello everybody, In my application I want to send sms, but the application must have to run in the background. It send the sms but it is not run in the background. I have following code.


My Service class look like this



But when I run it It is not running in the background.


7 years ago

10 years ago
Use external libraray like AchatEngine,MPAndroid chart.... there are many more which can be used
10 years ago
They are printing but output is too large therefore it override previous output and start displaying from 1712 !2156|
10 years ago
make sure you had added permission

11 years ago
Hi Welcome to javaranch, can you show us your code.
11 years ago
The size of a reference isn't well defined, but it is typically 4 bytes on a 32-bit system and 8 bytes on a 64-bit system.
12 years ago
A reference variable "obj" contains an address, or a reference to an address (similar to pointer variables in C++). A reference variable provides direct access to this memory address.
12 years ago
Your life is message to the world, make sure it is inspiring.
12 years ago
You can't restart a thread
12 years ago
In case 2nd of your example you can add validation of setter method so another programmer can't set any value that can be create problem in future for your code. But suupose you can't use getter and setter method to set variable value as in case 1 of your code then any value directly assign to your variable. So it is better to use private for variables and public for getter and setter methods.
12 years ago
Thanks Henry and Jeff now I got it.
12 years ago

.Now my query is that can Map accept duplicate keys that is ok ...but does it accept duplicate keys with duplicate values..can you advise me in which case the map throws the error if we play with Map...!!

Yes it accept duplicate keys with duplicate values.By definition, the put command replaces the previous value associated with the given key in the map.
12 years ago
Hi Darryl thanks for reply, But I couldn't get it, will you please explain it. Thanks
12 years ago
Local Inner class Cannot refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class defined in a method. Because A local variable, exists only during the method invocation. Means there scope is limited to that particular method. Now when I changed to it as final there scope also changes? Means local variables are stored on stack. and if I declared local variables as final now they are stored on Heap? What is the scope of final local variables?
12 years ago