ramkumar ramagopalan

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since Jul 16, 2008
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Recent posts by ramkumar ramagopalan

thanks for the responses.. i have decided to move to chennai but i have given myself a timeline of 3 months.. ya.. i too feel i wont get the CTC i need at this stage.. but i have time in my hand as i am not in a great hurry but having plans to move before October.. In the meantime i am appearing for my PMP exam during September.. hope that enhances my chances of clinching the CTC in my mind.. but it looks like most of the good opportunities come from bangalore.. but i am in a position only to move to chennai and nowhere in india.. thanks once again for your time mates...
15 years ago
Hi folks, I have been working in Singapore for the past 2 years and i am looking to relocated to Chennai in a PM capacity.. I have around 11+ years of experience and 3 years as PM. I am in the process of evaluating what CTC should i opt for and i am going nowhere, i am also not sure what kind of market is there in Chennai at the moment.... any nerds could help?

15 years ago