hello all,
I am creating one SimpleCalculator EJB application using eclipse and jboss
First I have craeted EJB application as SimpleCalculator. I am having one interface and one class which is placed under ejbmodule in eclipse. Then I say run on server automtically it gets deployed as SimpleCalculator.jar in jboss-home directory/server/default/deploy folder. and also it is giving as build successfull in eclipse console.
After this i am creating client application(Dynamic web project) called SimpleCalculatorWeb which access the SimpleCalculator EJB. This project is having one index page(home page) which is under webcontent folder in eclipse file structure and one servlet which will be under src/default package. For this client application I am am showing the path of EJB application by adding projects.
When I am trying to run the client application(SimpleCalculatorWeb) then in the console window of eclipse it is saying build successfull, deploy SimpleCalculatorWeb.war
but in the browser part of eclise where it is suppose to show index.jsp( home page), it is giving 404 error saying page not available.
I checked jboss deploy folder where SimpleCalculatorWeb.war file is there but why it is still not able to display index.jsp page?
When i say run on server automatically it is showing in the address bar as
and in the body it is giving 404 error.
Kindly help me in this regard.