Sheetal Kelkar

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since Jul 27, 2001
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Hi again

I also tried using the text/richtext content-type to send email in rich text format since richtext has <np> for pagebreak but it throws an exception javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException:no object DCH for MIME type text/richtext

I searched for this exception on net but there was no reply to that error.
Any suggestions are welcome.

19 years ago
Thanx I had thought so . So is there no other way apart from creating PDF or any other attachments?
I mean if I use the content type as "text/html" is there any solution? I tried using the page-break-before:always property but it still does not work. I kind of have a requirement to achieve that within the email itself without creating attachments.

Thanx in advance for any further help.
19 years ago

I am using javax.mail to create and send email messages. I am using content-type as "text/plain". I need to provide formfeed in between text so that my mail message gets printed on seperate pages. This works when I receive mail in Microsoft outlook, but if I send out to yahoo or hotmail and print it, it does not recognise the formfeed character. I am using "\f" to specify formfeed. I also tried giving "\000C" but it still does not work.

Can anybody help? I specifically need content-type to be text/plain.

19 years ago
Dear Prashant
I have deployed an EJB successfully on WebSphere4.0.
I have a client written as a java application. In that I have provided my machine's IP address as PROVIDER_URL and the rest of the code is same as of yours. Still It is giving me ClassNotFoundException for and you suggested to run the EJB from admin console but that option is also not available in WebSphere Advance Single Server Edition 4.0.
Please help
23 years ago