Venkateshwarlu Narsing

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since Jul 22, 2008
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Recent posts by Venkateshwarlu Narsing

problem: mnemonics are not getting focus for the menubar

scenario: I have one JFrame and one JInternalFrame. The JFrame has a menubar with mnemonics assigned to every menu. Mnemonics are working fine when the JInternalFrame is opend. But after closing the JInternalFrame the mnemonics for the menubar are not working. That is menus are not getting focus when I use mnemonics like ALT+F

Any help heighly appriciated
15 years ago
scenario: minimizing the JInternalFrame

problem: when I minimizing the JInternalFrame some of the toolbar icons of parent JFrame are disappearing. Initially the toolbar contains 9 icons. When I minimize the JInternalFrame 6 icons out of 9 are disappearing. When I debug I came to knew that this is happeing after calling internalFrameDeactivated() and befire calling internalFrameIconified() methods.

Can somebody please help me what is happeing before callint internalFrameIconified().

This is happening in JRE 1.5.0 but in JRE 1.6.0 I am not getting any problem

Any help highly appreciated.
15 years ago