Hello All ,
I am Senior Java developer from German town , Md looking for work . I have worked on different java related technologies and framework like spring ,struts, hibernate , JPA, jasper report , core java etc ..
I am looking for work on Java,scala or big data. Please message me if you have any work.
Hi Mike ,
Have you find the candidate ? I am in USA and interested to work as Remote developer .
Let me know if you still have opening. I can work as Freelancer too.
Can any one guide me which is good profiling tool Eclipse TPTP or Visaul Vm... I am aware with the fact that Eclipse tptp is archived but apart from that can any one guide me which will be more powerful in term of finding the performance issue , memoey leak , sql query time and remote analysis ?
Try to get the value for username while debugging , i think this.username is null and when you try to invoke method isempty on null it gives you the exception.
It seems , it is related to jar file problem. Have included struts.jar file ? if yes then you need to check for all dependencies and need to try again.
As only problem is related to jar file issue , please check all the jar one by one and re build the application again.
Please refer this Link.
In validate method you need to use getter to get the filed on which you would like to put the validation.
Refer the link and let us know if you still find difficulty in validating the fields.
Please guide me for the above error. I am getting Exception. Hope any one would be able to guide me. I am trying to start the Web logic with domain created.
I am trying to deploy application on Jboss, But getting Constant errors . I have make changes for oracle-ds.xml and changed JNDI name.
I have also attached logs file for the stack trace. Please any one help me for the same and if any one can guide me what else should be there
to deploy EAR file into the Jboss. The version i have used is 5.1 . please help out for the same.
I am new person for Jboss this application was deployed on web logic before.
Key represents the value from the form . suppose there is something wrong with the userid then you can set the action error like
"errors.add("userid",new ActionMessage("error.invalid.userid"));"