Ulises Pulido

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since Jul 24, 2008
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Recent posts by Ulises Pulido

I think is awesome to be able to talk with one of my favorite authors.

Welcome Craig.
14 years ago
Hello Guys:

I am glad to tell you that I have passed the developers exam, Thanks to Roel De Nijs, Roberto Perillo, Yucca Nel, and all those people that helped me by guiding me through this tough exam by making questions about it.

This is my score: 374 pts
The maximum possible score is 400; the minimum to pass is 320.
General Considerations (maximum = 100): 100
Documentation (maximum = 70): 70
O-O Design (maximum = 30): 30
GUI (maximum = 40): 29
Locking (maximum = 80): 65
Data store (maximum = 40): 40
Network server (maximum = 40): 40

For the GUI I added a "always on top button" that was above the specification I think I got deducted points because of that, so don't create it :P. For the locking I added complexity to the code by trying to reuse the deleted rows, it was not that clear from a junior perspective so I think those are the points deducted from that section. I did use the new Locking capabilities since Java 5 creating a ReadWriteLock object to manage all the locking.

Thanks for your support!
15 years ago

karthick chinnathambi wrote:

Thanks a lot for your reply.....

can you please provide me your e-mail ID so that i can ask any doubts to you and get instant replies apart from posting in our JavaRanch forum also.........

It will be more helpful for my carrier if i get guidance from persons like you.....

Thanks in advance.....

[REMOVED - Please use the forum]

If I am able to help you in something, I'll do my best in doing it.
15 years ago

karthick chinnathambi wrote:

Ulises Pulido wrote:Hello:

Today I passed with 100% my SCBCD certification exam. I would like to thank all the ranchers for the questions and book suggestions given in this forum because they all were helpful.

What I did to have that score was to re-read 3 times EJB3 in Action book, read 2 times the spec and created an application for practicing. For passing the exam you really need to read the spec because there are a lot of questions that you could not answer by just reading the EJB3 in Action book, also I was reading the threads in this forum while studying.

Thanks to all the ranchers for the questions they asked here they were helpful.

hi friend,
i like to have a piece of advice from you.........

i just finisher SCJP-6 with 93%.......

which would be the next better exam to go with in Java..............

please also mention the book (just like K&B for SCJP) that would help me in covering all the chapters for that exam.......

I will be very thankful if you provide me your E-mail ID so that i can ask for any doubts and get instant reply.......

Tahnks in advance.........

From my personal point of view the next step would be to study for SCWCD in that way you will learn all around JSP and Servlets. The book Head First Servlets and JSP by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates.

The reason is because there are many jobs out there that requires this knowledge, well also you need to learn a framework, but this learning is a good beginning.
15 years ago

kurt hanni wrote:congrats!!!

did you read all the specs, all 3 of them? all chapters?

I read the sections that were not well explained in the book such as the roles

I read this two only

15 years ago

Today I passed with 100% my SCBCD certification exam. I would like to thank all the ranchers for the questions and book suggestions given in this forum because they all were helpful.

What I did to have that score was to re-read 3 times EJB3 in Action book, read 2 times the spec and created an application for practicing. For passing the exam you really need to read the spec because there are a lot of questions that you could not answer by just reading the EJB3 in Action book, also I was reading the threads in this forum while studying.

Thanks to all the ranchers for the questions they asked here they were helpful.
15 years ago

Roel De Nijs wrote:Hi Ulises,

I allowed anything that's an 8 digit number, so 00000001, 10000000 and 12345678 were all valid entries.

Kind regards,

Ok just to recap, in your text field you allow to the user to specify the number 00000001 as valid but 1 is invalid, because they have to specify 8 digits characters at least?

Is that correct ?
From my point of view alerting the user that some input is not the expected by disabling the buttons until the user sets a valid input is a good way to avoid showing the user some "usage errors" that they don't like to see.

Also I've seen that this is a highly used technique in standalone applications in the industry.

An example might be eclipse, try to create a project and if you don't specify a name you can't continue and the "next" button is disabled.

Anne Crace wrote:ULises:
I think Roel is right about the 8 digit thing. I used a Mask Formatter. They can't input non digits except backspace and delete, and it won't allow any more than 8 digits. I do validation on the less than 8 instance and flip a label with an error message on if it doesn't pass.

Ok, I have the same statement as Roel and I agree in that I need to validate that section, I only have this question, will the user be allowed to input "00000001" for instance or does it have to begin with "10000000" ?
mm... about the owner id, does it has to be 8 numbers long ? I mean is that needed ?

for instance does the owner id could not be less than 8 digits characters long ?
Great Laura!!

Congratulations on your result is awesome, we all knew you will make it.

15 years ago

S. Palanigounder wrote:Ulises, Can you provide the override implementation for hashCode and equals that works?

Well there is no equals and hascode implementation that can fit for all the objects.

Depending on the class you have created is the implementation you can do. What I can give you are the rules for the implementation.

If x == y then it must be that x.hashcode == y.hashcode
If x != y then x.hashcode might be == or != than y.hashcode
If x.equals(y) is true then it must be that x.hashcode == y.hashcode.
If !x.equals(y) then x.hashcode might be == or != than y.hashcode.
if x.equals(y) and y.equals(z) then x.equals(z). The same goes for hashcode.

Once you have implemented both methods and they behave as the rules stated before then you can say that you have a correct implementation of both methods.
15 years ago
A good start is to put all that code like this:

in your class that will call this method you put.

MyOperation operation = new MyOperation();
Thread installer = new Thread(operation);

and there you go your installer running in another thread.

I removed your Throwable e clause because I don't like it and most of the companies you will be hired for neither, try to be more specific on the type of Exceptions that you are catching, that's another good start.
Switches are a Fall through by default.

As you say it will start from default in the case you put. But because you did not use a break keyword it will continue falling through for all the cases remaining.

if you put break; inside the default clause the remaining cases will not be executed.
15 years ago
The assignation of the value to b is done at runtime.

At compile time means a full declaration.

accessmodifiers type variablename = value;
15 years ago