karthick chinnathambi wrote:
Thanks a lot for your reply.....
can you please provide me your e-mail ID so that i can ask any doubts to you and get instant replies apart from posting in our JavaRanch forum also.........
It will be more helpful for my carrier if i get guidance from persons like you.....
Thanks in advance.....
karthick chinnathambi wrote:
Ulises Pulido wrote:Hello:
Today I passed with 100% my SCBCD certification exam. I would like to thank all the ranchers for the questions and book suggestions given in this forum because they all were helpful.
What I did to have that score was to re-read 3 times EJB3 in Action book, read 2 times the spec and created an application for practicing. For passing the exam you really need to read the spec because there are a lot of questions that you could not answer by just reading the EJB3 in Action book, also I was reading the threads in this forum while studying.
Thanks to all the ranchers for the questions they asked here they were helpful.
hi friend,
i like to have a piece of advice from you.........
i just finisher SCJP-6 with 93%.......
which would be the next better exam to go with in Java..............
please also mention the book (just like K&B for SCJP) that would help me in covering all the chapters for that exam.......
I will be very thankful if you provide me your E-mail ID so that i can ask for any doubts and get instant reply.......![]()
Tahnks in advance.........
kurt hanni wrote:congrats!!!
did you read all the specs, all 3 of them? all chapters?
Roel De Nijs wrote:Hi Ulises,
I allowed anything that's an 8 digit number, so 00000001, 10000000 and 12345678 were all valid entries.
Kind regards,
Anne Crace wrote:ULises:
I think Roel is right about the 8 digit thing. I used a Mask Formatter. They can't input non digits except backspace and delete, and it won't allow any more than 8 digits. I do validation on the less than 8 instance and flip a label with an error message on if it doesn't pass.
S. Palanigounder wrote:Ulises, Can you provide the override implementation for hashCode and equals that works?