deepa raj

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 25, 2008
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Recent posts by deepa raj

Dear Ranchers ,

We have one MDB which is running in Web Sphere Application Server 5.3 . And this MDB will get the message from the WMQ 6.0.

For some Reason , We need to get the value of "ApplIndentity" MQMD field value of the Message using JMS API inside the Message Driven Bean.

I have searched most of the documents which are having mapping between JMS fields and MQ fields. No fruitful result found.

If somebody know , please help us.


Dear Ranchers ,

1. We have WAS ND with multiple servers configured in AIX machine.
2. We are a client for one Web service provider.
3. We have got the certificate from them and the same certificate has been installed successfully in java cacerts file.

After installation , Whether we need to start the nodeagen , and deployment manager ? We have restarted the Application Servers configured in WAS.

Please help me.
15 years ago
Could you please tell me more about Apache HTTPD/mod_jk ?

And also , how to check the request timeout ? Any config file?

Yes.It is using Apache 2 / Tomcat 6.0 installed in SUSE Linux .But i havent see any mod_jk related files.But i am able to see prefork related files are there.I am very new to these files.Please help me to get it resolved.
15 years ago
Yes.the Servlet is deployed in Tomat 6 /Linux in my own computer.Servlet will connect to the Database and retrieve the records.

We have system.out statements. One thread is processing the request , again the new thread is trying to execute from the starting.(Catalina.out is having log statements.)

Records will be retrieved based on dates.1 day or 10 day like that. For example if we give to retrieve the records for 1 day ,then the servlet is working properly.But , if we give 10 days to retrieve , the request is processing after some 5 mins , again new thread is started.
15 years ago
S.thatz y , i have posted in in Tomcat Sections instead of there in servlets section. :-)
15 years ago
Dear Ranchers,

We have one servlet which is deployed in Tomcat 5.It will connect to DB and extract the records from the DB.Some times records count will be very high.When the records are more , the first request is running (it took some time to extract and load ), but at the same time , the new thread is again starting to extract the records.So two threads are running now. After some time , third thread is started automatically and it is kepp going.All are for only one request from the browser.We are very much sure that we are not refreshing the page.

is there any configuration need to set to stop the new threads creation for the same request ?

15 years ago
We are using IE and firefox.

We didnt check the network traffic. Is there any header related problems?
15 years ago
No.We are not there any config changes?
15 years ago
Yes. We are sure. Only one time we have given the request.
15 years ago
Dear Ranchers,

We have deployed one simple servlet in Tomcat which will extract the records from DB.When we give the request to that servlet , it executes well if the records are less.If the records are more (means it will execute some long time) , after some time , automatically , one new request has been generated by the Tomcat.Both the request are processing in the server.After some time, the third request has been generated.and so on...

If anybody facing these kind of issues ? Please help us to resolve this issue.

Deepa Raja
15 years ago
Dear Ranchers,

We have deployed one simple servlet in Tomcat which will extract the records from DB.When we give the request to that servlet , it executes well if the records are less.If the records are more (means it will execute some long time) , after some time , automatically , one new request has been generated by the Tomcat.Both the request are processing in the server.After some time, the third request has been generated.and so on...

If anybody facing these kind of issues ? Please help us to resolve this issue.

Deepa Raja
15 years ago
Hi Ranchers ,

I am planning to start to study it really needed to study all the spec ?

Dear Ranchers,

We have used Adobe engine to create a pdf .Now we are trying to change the all adobe pdf to jasper pdf reports.

is there any tool is available to convert the Adobe IFD or MDF to .jrxml ?

Please help to resolve this issue.

Thank you.
Dear Ranchers,

May i know how to find out the queue managers available in one system??
16 years ago
Hi Ranchers ,

Awe are using WAS5.1 .We have created one MDB and from that MDB we are calling the webservice.(We are just Webservice Client).

After server Started ,If we put the message into the queue ,we are getting the following error MDB has picked up the message and tryign to call the web service)

[9/30/08 18:36:48:047 GMT-08:00] 77b0b83b ExceptionUtil E CNTR0020E: Non-application exception occurred while processing method "onMessage" on bean "BeanId(DownStream#downstream.jar#FXMarkDownEventHandler, null)". Exception data: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( Code))
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( Code))
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/ejs/ras/Tr
at Source)
at Source)
at Code))
... 10 more

I have added the webservices.jar ,qname .jar,wsdl4j.jar to the Server Classpath in websphere admin console.

ras.jar is in the /usr/was51/AppServer/lib . But it is not taking these files from appserver/lib.

Anybody please help me to resolve the issue.

16 years ago