David Weitzman

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 27, 2001
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Recent posts by David Weitzman

There are also some good open source validation frameworks out there that you can either use or take ideas from. For example, JGoodies Validation
17 years ago
This isn't a swing question, so I'm moving it to the JDBC forum.
You might consider using a raw window instead of a frame. If there's no title bar, the user won't be using it to move the window.
19 years ago
I'd like to remind you again to change your display name so it complies with the JavaRanch naming policy. To be clear, we ask that you have both a first and last name.
19 years ago
This isn't a swing-specific question, so I'm moving it to JiG intermediate.
19 years ago
Welcome to JavaRanch, Jewel Bocks. Please revise your name to meet the guidelines in the JavaRanch naming policy. Specifically, the policy does not permit obviously fictitious names.

Thanks for your attention to this matter,

- David
19 years ago
A binding framework like JGoodies Binding may be able to save you a lot of coding. It'll help you easily do things like bind a text editing component to the "text" property of the item selected in a table. Whether you change the selection or the text, it'll do the right thing. Behind the scenes PropertyListener's are being added and removed all the time, but the "nightmare" of keeping the right ones registered has already been implemented for you by the binding framework. I don't believe JGoodies will help you much with modifying the same property on several items selected in a list, but I suspect it wouldn't be hard to implement that. Even if you choose not to use a third-party binding framework, it might give you some ideas for how to make your own reusable binding code for this project.
19 years ago
Actually either version compiles to exactly the same bytecode, so no performance difference. The compiler determines the fully-qualified name of every class your code references and embeds the names into the classfile. Import statements are just a little syntactic sugar to save you the trouble of repeatedly typing the complete name java.util.Vector everywhere your code needs to refer to the Vector type.
19 years ago
Hey Billy, welcome to JavaRanch. Would you please remove the redundant letters from your name? The ranch naming policy requires normal names so we can keep up the friendly, personal atmosphere. Thanks.
19 years ago
Hey eric, thanks for changing your name promptly. Would you also add a last name, please? It doesn't have to be real if you're not comfortable with that, but it should at least seem real.

19 years ago
Moving this to Java In General (Intermediate)
19 years ago
Vasu, please review the request to adjust your name here.

[ December 14, 2005: Message edited by: David Weitzman ]
19 years ago
Welcome to JavaRanch, intravler . Please revise your name to meet the guidelines in the JavaRanch naming policy. We ask that you use a real first and last name so we can maintain a friendly environment.


- David
19 years ago
Welcome to JavaRanch, talk_java_2_me. Please revise your name to meet the guidelines in the JavaRanch naming policy. We ask that you use a real first and last name so we can maintain a friendly environment.


- David
19 years ago
I don't know who you're responding to, but I'm pretty sure they're not going to find your response very quickly (if at all) in over here in Blatant Advertising.
19 years ago