Sham Phadtale

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since Jul 29, 2008
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Recent posts by Sham Phadtale

IlegalAccessError is resolved by patching whole package of changed class.
12 years ago
Hey, I am able to solve it..
I edited run.bat file and added patch path as below
set JAVA_OPTS=-Djboss.patch.url=file:\D:\jboss-5.1.0.GA\patch %JAVA_OPTS%

Now jboss loads updated classes.

But I am also getting following exception -

12 years ago
In server following log statement is getting print..

18:48:26,821 INFO [ServerImpl] Patch URL: null

Does thi mean serevr is not getting patch URLwhich I am providing using jboss.patch.url?
If so, what can be the reason behind this behaviour?
12 years ago
Hello all,

I have sar, ear and war files deployed in JBoss 5.1 AS. After fixing some bug I want to give updated files to client in a patch.
For testing purpose of patch deployment using jboss.patch.url variable I updated one logger message, created ear file containing changed file and all unchanged files and put it into patch folder created under ...\server\jboss-5.1.0.GA directory.
I am starting server by calling run.bat with "-c -Djboss.patch.url=file:/D:/release/server/jboss-5.1.0.GA/patch" option.
After server started I check log, it shows old message, that is patch does not got deployed. I also tried with giving ear file name while running run.bat file("-c -Djboss.patch.url=file:/D:/release/server/jboss-5.1.0.GA/patch/app.ear") but no success.

Please can someone put light on what is incorrect.
I also have few queries -
1. What should be conatin of patch folder, always jar or we can put ear/sar file into it?
2. Is patch ear should contain only updated class files with package structure as or it can contain other files which are not changed?
3. Is there any other jboss variable which can block patch deploment - restricting of usage of jboss.patch.url variable?
4. What should be patch location?

On internet and in JBoss documentaion I did not got enough information about patching, if anyone has any reference about this please provide it to me.

I have put above question at following link also.

12 years ago
While collapsing/expanding rows using expandRow() or collapseRow(), which events does get fire? Is there other way to fire them?
12 years ago
Actually I am calling nodeStructureChanged() method within TreeExpansionListener, I think it should handle firing of events.
12 years ago
Hello Tony, thanks for your reply.

I have implemented TreeExpansionListener and in treeExpand and treeCollapsed method I am expanding and collapsing tree nodes. So when nodes are collapsed there are no child nodes. Previously keeping child nodes if they are hidden under parent and if some updates come my application was hanging. So now I am doing it in TreeExpansionListener.

Today I have added some code after expanding node by calling fireTreeExpanded() method, and it solved the problem. I am wondering how it is solved...

12 years ago
Hello All,

I have some parent nodes in tree connected to root node. After refresh there are chances of adding or removing child nodes of parent nodes. For refresh I am deleting the parent node and then adding it with new refreshed data(child nodes).
Before deleting node I am storing state of node whether it is expanded or not, and restoring this state after refresh. So after refresh I always get updated nodes with correct state expand or collapse. But after refresh when I click on any child node whole tree get collapsed, do not know why it is happening?

I am using DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode and JTree
Code to remove node is -

Code to add node is -

Please anybody can give me direction about what might be going wrong, or what I have missed?
I have very big code so have shown only some part of it, I sincerely apologize for inconvenience you might face while helping me.

Sham P.
12 years ago
Hello All,

I am facing a problem while using JPA.
I am using following code to get data from different tables for columns with same name -

This object list contains correct values for Hostname, AName and AId, but value of CName is incorrect, it is getting value of AName.
Also I tried to get value for another column of Table C, I got it.
What should I do to get values from columns of different table having same column names?

When above query run through query browser I am getting correct result that is all actual values.
Thanks Jaikiran for your replay.

I am using jboss-service.xml having entry for MDB as follow -

12 years ago
Hello all,

I am trying to deploy MDB into JBoss5.1 AS server but I am getting following exception -

From server log it seems that after attempting to bound later JBoss again tries to bound and it found at that time.
Please see following line from server log -

While googling to fix above exception problem I found to add entry in destinations-service.xml as -

After adding this I am getting following exception

Please anybody can help me to resolve this. What I am doing incorrect? Also give me link for how to write questions on this forum.

Sham P.
12 years ago
Hello all,

I am using jboss-5.1.0.GA. When I run run.bat file with IP address of my machine(org.jboss.Main -b, server starts neatly. Client can able to access deployed EJBs without any problem.

But when I run run.bat file bind to (org.jboss.Main -b, client is not able to access deployed EJBs. It gives me following error.

Can not get connection to server. Problem establishing socket connection for InvokerLocator [socket://test-shamp:3873/?]]

I am not getting why this is happening, please anyone can help me in resolving this.

I want to deploy my application on several spaces and binding server to some specific IP is not good idea.

12 years ago
Hello all, How can I make sure that the EJB which I am accessing is fully installed or not.
Actually i got some exception and from exception it seems that EJB is not installed. So i think there should be something which can restirct access to EJB if EJB is not installed. I tried Depend annotataion but exception is still there. This exception comes sometimes at server start up.

org.jboss.ejb3.common.registrar.spi.NotBoundException: Object is bound at key jboss.j2ee:ear=test.ear,jar=test-ejb1.jar,name=TestManagerBean,service=EJB3, but is not fully installed, instead of state: ControllerState@b24c03{Start}
at org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.handler.session.SessionProxyInvocationHandlerBase.getContainerLocally(
at org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.handler.session.SessionLocalProxyInvocationHandler.getContainer(
at org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.handler.session.SessionProxyInvocationHandlerBase.invoke(
at org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.handler.session.SessionProxyInvocationHandlerBase.invoke(

12 years ago
Thanks Paul, now I am able to get PLUS sign even if childs are not present under parent node.
Now I want to create child nodes when user clicks PLUS sign. Which event get generated in this case, I tried TreeExpansionLIstener and TreeWillEXpandListener.
Do I need to simply catch mouse event?
13 years ago

I want to create Tree in which there will be single Parent node and multiple child nodes. I want to create these child node after user click on PLUS sign which is used for Tree Expansion. I can add nodes in JTree using TreeExpansionListener's method treeExpanded. But I have problem in showing PLUS sign with Parent Node. As if childs are not present this sign does not come, it comes after adding first child. So I am thinking of adding dummy child to get this PLUS sign, when user clicks it I will remove dummy child and will add actual childs.

Is there any other better way by which I can show PLUS sign(tree expansion icon) at parent node even if parent does not have any child.

13 years ago