Devaka Cooray

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since Jul 29, 2008
Merit badge: grant badges
Forum Moderator
Devaka Cooray currently moderates these forums:

Devaka started programming with Pascal and BASIC languages when he was 13, and he has been coding with Java since 2003. Devaka got his bachelor's in computer science from the University of Moratuwa, and currently holds SCJP, SCWCD, and SCBCD certifications. He is mostly known as the author of ExamLab , which is a popular exam simulator for SCJP certification.
When he is not wrangling with his JavaEE and enterprise projects, he likes to play with sneaky web application security stuff.
More about Devaka can be found at his website
Devaka was made a Bartender in 2010, was promoted to Sheriff in 2015 , and was made a Marshal in 2015 Email
For More
Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Cows and Likes
Total received
In last 30 days
Forums and Threads

Recent posts by Devaka Cooray

Thanks for providing proof via PM.

I have merged all three accounts for you. You should be able to log in with any of your emails and it will log you in to the same merged account.
4 months ago
It seems your previous account was linked to a different email than what you tried to log in with. It was registered a long time ago with a email address, and has a bunch of posts.

Jirka Nejedly wrote:Surely I cannot sign up with my previous mail

Yes, but if you try to do that, the system would prompt you to log in with that email.

When you tried to log in / sign up with your email, it created a new account for you, because we never had an account with that email.

And you have also signed up to another account with a email.

If you can show us some proof that the first account belongs to you, we can probably merge all three accounts for you.
4 months ago
To look this up for you, could you please PM me the login email address of your previous account?
4 months ago
I think I have it set up correctly - anybody wanna test with a whole dollar?
6 months ago
$ 3,378USD
raised of $9,300 goal

Our community needs your help to keep the lights on.

Coderanch is a massive, free resource for the Java and programming community. Providing a safe and supportive space for people to connect, share knowledge and find the help they need.

But our aging server is struggling to keep up with the growing demand and we're at risk of going offline. To ensure our forums remain accessible and reliable for everyone, we need to purchase a new server.

With your support we can upgrade our infrastructure and ensure coderanch continues to thrive for years to come.

When you contribute to this fundraiser you're not just helping us replace the server - you're investing in the wellbeing of our entire community. Every dollar you give means more people can access the resources, advice, and friendship that have made coderanch so valuable. Together we can keep this community alive and kicking.

Give now to power the coderanch forums and strengthen our community. Your support makes all the difference!

Thank you for being a vital part of our community and for your generosity in supporting coderanch!

Here are the two options we're looking at:

Good, but not very upgradeable:
$4,468.57 for the server
~$144 in processing fees
~$187.43 in unforseen comedies

Excellent and very upgradable:
$8,795.99 for the server
~$279 in processing fees
~$225.01 in unforseen comedies

I would like to thank our hosts. I have gotten hosting at many places, only for things to go sideways for one reason or another. When we hit a bump in the road with evolution hosting, we get a human that gets on it and gets it sorted. They always make things right. I have been getting hosting from them for 23 years now! "Reliable Java Hosting ... Instantly"

This site helped me transition from top down programming to Java. The Cattle Drive made the learning fun and I actually completed it with help from so many people. Long live coderanch, javaranch, cattle drive, bartenders, sheriffs, saloon keepers, marshals, and this precious fun respectful learning environment. $200
I've been giving my figurative 2 cents here for the past 7562 days now. Time to give my literal 2 cents for each of those days. $151
A few bucks from Daren Scot Wilson, wrangler of electrons, bits and pixels $120
Donate now and avoid the rush! $100
(anonymous user) $100
(anonymous user) $100
(anonymous user) $100
This space intentionally left blank. $100
Coderanch is the best place on the internet $100
Keep up the good work pardners! $100
(anonymous user) $100
Thanks for hosting all our book discussions! $100
Thanks to all the moderators who make this site great! $100
I am where I am because of ranch $100
(anonymous user) $100
Helped me a lot with Java for $100
Another 100 bucks to boost the fundraising. $100
(anonymous user) $100
(anonymous user) $100
(anonymous user) $100
(anonymous user) $70
Thanks for all you do Paul! $50
YYURYYUBICURYY4ME (too wise...) $50
Cuando busque un rancho con excelente Java, elija siempre CodeRanch $50
I used this site EXTENSIVELY when switching my career from C to Java. We need to keep this resource alive! $50
(anonymous user) $50
(anonymous user) $50
Ride 'em cowpeople! $50
Ya all have the best cup of Java round these parts. $30
Thanks! $30
Great website and even greater community! $30
(anonymous user) $25
(anonymous user) $25
Great online service! $25
I like you! You're very nice. $25
(anonymous user) $25
(anonymous user) $25
(anonymous user) $20
(anonymous user) $20
(anonymous user) $20
Good luck! $20
(anonymous user) $20
Go Coderanch $20
Thomas from Austria $20
come on! $20
(anonymous user) $20
(anonymous user) $20
(anonymous user) $20
Yippie Yi yo and thank you all for the Java explanations! $20
(anonymous user) $20
every once in awhile google sends me here and it's always a great resource, even for 20 year old questions! $20
(anonymous user) $15
yeehaw! $10
Go coderanch! $10
(anonymous user) $10
(anonymous user) $10
(anonymous user) $10
Essential resource for me as a Java newbie $10
(anonymous user) $10
(anonymous user) $10
Raj S. $10
(anonymous user) $10
(anonymous user) $10
(anonymous user) $10
Putting in another wee bit to try and keep it moving $10
(anonymous user) $10
Cannot invoke com.coderanch.Funds.buyServer() because "fundraiserFunds" is null $10
keep up the good work. $10
(anonymous user) $10
(anonymous user) $10
Go CodeRanch $10
With love ?? $8
friendly and patient moderators. Better than Stack Overflow. $7
(anonymous user) $5
(anonymous user) $5
(anonymous user) $5
(anonymous user) $5
Elect me! $5
(anonymous user) $5
This site is a legend $5
(anonymous user) $2

6 months ago
We're excited to announce that our latest release of the forum software is now live!
We've been working hard to bring you some awesome updates and improvements. Here's a sneak peek of what's new:

  • Devaka - reset the dart launchers in the cave labyrinth
  • Devaka - Show pie signature limit next to the edit signature field
  • Devaka - wording change around cow poll
  • Devaka - add more sensors to the main reactor so we can monitor it more 'closely'
  • Devaka - install a new tractor beam emitter
  • Devaka - thinking cap rebuilt to use batteries instead of gasoline
  • Devaka - undocked the command module from the secret mission module
  • Devaka - safety cover installed over self destruct button
  • Devaka - reprogrammed the robots in the factory to be more efficient
  • Devaka - added to level 5 diagnostic for long range sensors
  • Devaka - completed another round of 3C273 quasar flyby
  • Devaka - enhance the main gas turbine modular helium reactor
  • Devaka - Fix bug where crypto payments failed when the title was too long
  • Devaka - install a new communications relay for improved transmission distance
  • Devaka - When a crypto payment fails due to a coinbase error, show an informative error message to the user.
  • Devaka - dilithium crystal calibration
  • Devaka - upgrade the life support systems for better efficiency
  • Devaka - replace the faulty warp coil in the engine
  • Devaka - upgrade the impulse engines for better sublight speed
  • Devaka - bring the flux capacitor online
  • Devaka - add more lithium-7 coolant to the main reactor
  • Devaka - Fix bug where full pie subscriptions could not be revoked from the pie
  • Devaka - reinforced the roof with weather-resistant materials
  • Devaka - Pie feature to expand post action buttons by default
  • Devaka - Unified login and signup page
  • Devaka - Fix bug where pie anniversary gift didn't work on mobile view
  • Devaka - install a new shield generator for improved protection
  • Devaka - add more boron control rods to the secondary nuclear reactor
  • Devaka - constructed a new obstacle course to train the henchmen
  • Devaka - fix the broken liquid scintillation counter
  • Devaka - donuts cleared out of torpedo tube 3 so we don't get ants
  • Devaka - Installed new water troughs for the horses
  • Devaka - fix beam-powered propulsion in one of our pulse detonation engines
  • Devaka - shark tank trap door mechanism adjustment
  • Devaka - upgrade aft shields
  • Devaka - clean up the broken indium phosphide crystals
  • Devaka - replaced some of the polymer solar cells with organic solar cells
  • Devaka - install a new shield generator for improved protection
  • Devaka - Client side resources for fundraiser posts
  • Devaka - rewire the main transformer so we won't get electrocuted
  • Devaka - Update fundraiser total in real time
  • Devaka - Hide decimal points from the fundraiser contributions list
  • Devaka - add more tritium to the main engine
6 months ago
T h e . C o d e R a n c h . J o u r n a l

May 2024 Edition
Howdy from all the CodeRanch staff, and welcome to the May edition of the Journal.

Hot dog! We have a sponsor this month!
Vaadin Modernization Toolkit
Is Swing holding you back? The Vaadin Modernization Toolkit automates converting Swing applications into modern web applications. It can automate up to 80% of code conversion and reduce modernization costs by 60%. Migrating to Vaadin Flow, the toolkit ensures readable, maintainable code without Swing emulation.

I n t e r e s t i n g . C o d e R a n c h . F o r u m . T o p i c s
  • Deep Dive: How secure is HTTP transport?
  • IDE or Not IDE: The Beginner's Java Dilemma
  • Stream Dreams: The Reduce Function’s Comedy Debut
  • Java Generics: Wildcards, PECS, and Flexibility Explained

  • B o o k s . a n d . R e v i e w s
    Here are some interesting reviews and recommendations from the CodeRanch staff in our Book Reviews forum.
    The Book Review Grid will give you an overview.

    C o d e R a n c h . S t a f f
    Thanks to all staff that volunteer their time and share their knowledge to make this site the friendliest place on the web to learn.  

    A special thanks this month to the following members...
  • Marshals: Campbell Ritchie ::  Jeanne Boyarsky :: Ron McLeod :: Paul Clapham :: Liutauras Vilda
  • Sheriffs: paul wheaton :: Rob Spoor :: Devaka Cooray
  • Saloon Keepers: Stephan van Hulst :: Tim Holloway :: Carey Brown :: Frits Walraven :: Tim Moores
  • Bartenders: Mikalai Zaikin

  • C o d e R a n c h . N e i g h b o r s
    Richsoil - Permaculture articles n stuff by Paul Wheaton
    Permies - Permaculture and homesteading goofballs

    T h e . M o o s e . o n . S o c i a l
    The CodeRanch announces latest news/developments frequently on our social media outlets. You can find us at:
  • X
  • Mastodon
  • Facebook

  • Follow / Like us so you don't miss a thing.

    T h i s . M o n t h ' s . E d i t o r
    Devaka Cooray - started coding with Pascal and BASIC at 13, switched to Java in 2003, moseyed into the ranch in 2008, and has been wrangling bugs as a staffer since 2010. Yeehaw!

    S u g g e s t i o n s / F e e d b a c k
    If you have any feedback on this month's journal then feel free to create a topic in our Ranch Office.

    J o u r n a l . A r c h i v e
    Our previously published journals you can find here.
    7 months ago
    T h e . C o d e R a n c h . J o u r n a l

    May 2024 Edition
    Howdy from all the CodeRanch staff, and welcome to the May edition of the Journal.

    Hot dog! We have a sponsor this month!
    Vaadin Modernization Toolkit
    Is Swing holding you back? The Vaadin Modernization Toolkit automates converting Swing applications into modern web applications. It can automate up to 80% of code conversion and reduce modernization costs by 60%. Migrating to Vaadin Flow, the toolkit ensures readable, maintainable code without Swing emulation.

    I n t e r e s t i n g . C o d e R a n c h . F o r u m . T o p i c s
  • Deep Dive: How secure is HTTP transport?
  • IDE or Not IDE: The Beginner's Java Dilemma
  • Stream Dreams: The Reduce Function’s Comedy Debut
  • Java Generics: Wildcards, PECS, and Flexibility Explained

  • B o o k s . a n d . R e v i e w s
    Here are some interesting reviews and recommendations from the CodeRanch staff in our Book Reviews forum.
    The Book Review Grid will give you an overview.

    C o d e R a n c h . S t a f f
    Thanks to all staff that volunteer their time and share their knowledge to make this site the friendliest place on the web to learn.  

    A special thanks this month to the following members...
  • Marshals: Campbell Ritchie ::  Jeanne Boyarsky :: Ron McLeod :: Paul Clapham :: Liutauras Vilda
  • Sheriffs: paul wheaton :: Rob Spoor :: Devaka Cooray
  • Saloon Keepers: Stephan van Hulst :: Tim Holloway :: Carey Brown :: Frits Walraven :: Tim Moores
  • Bartenders: Mikalai Zaikin

  • C o d e R a n c h . N e i g h b o r s
    Richsoil - Permaculture articles n stuff by Paul Wheaton
    Permies - Permaculture and homesteading goofballs

    T h e . M o o s e . o n . S o c i a l
    The CodeRanch announces latest news/developments frequently on our social media outlets. You can find us at:
  • X
  • Mastodon
  • Facebook

  • Follow / Like us so you don't miss a thing.

    T h i s . M o n t h ' s . E d i t o r
    Devaka Cooray - started coding with Pascal and BASIC at 13, switched to Java in 2003, moseyed into the ranch in 2008, and has been wrangling bugs as a staffer since 2010. Yeehaw!

    S u g g e s t i o n s / F e e d b a c k
    If you have any feedback on this month's journal then feel free to create a topic in our Ranch Office.

    J o u r n a l . A r c h i v e
    Our previously published journals you can find here.
    7 months ago

    Vaadin Modernization Toolkit

    Is Swing holding you back? The Modernization Toolkit automates the conversion of the Swing application to a modern web application.

    convert to vaadin

    Why choose the Modernization Toolkit for Swing to web app migration?

    Get the job done with automation

    The automation provided by the Vaadin Modernization Toolkit can refactor the bulk of your Java code so you can quickly kill the tail of legacy dependencies and move forward with an architecturally coherent new application.


    Java modernization, not just emulation

    The Vaadin Modernization Toolkit helps migrate Java applications to Vaadin Flow, Vaadin’s open-source framework for building web applications with Java. After the migration, there will be no remaining dependencies on old frameworks such as Swing, SWT, or JavaFX. The Toolkit supplies useful features familiar to developers from old frameworks in a Feature Pack, but it does not emulate technologies like Swing.


    Code readability built-in

    We built the Modernization Toolkit to produce code humans can read and maintain. Your transformed application sources retain the original structure, naming conventions, comments, and whitespace. Changes made by the transpiler are almost always applied within the same line of code, meaning your developers can confidently take ownership.


    What’s Vaadin Flow?

    Vaadin Flow is a unique full-stack framework that lets you build modern web apps 100% in Java without writing HTML or JavaScript.

    Start a free modernization assessment with our expert to learn more about how the Modernization Toolkit turns your Swing app into a modern web app.

    9 months ago
    We just deployed a new release of the forum software, containing a lot of changes to make the site load significantly faster than before.

    Here is a list of all changes:

    • Devaka - Fix pie typo
    • Devaka - constructed a new obstacle course to train the henchmen
    • Devaka - If crypto is short, ask for remaining payment.
    • Devaka - fix the broken vacuum beam lines in the primary electrostatic nuclear accelerator
    • Devaka - Improved green line performance.
    • Devaka - Show forum read state based on the last login.
    • Devaka - Disable meta keywords
    • Devaka - install a new communications relay for improved transmission distance
    • Devaka - added to level 5 diagnostic for long range sensors
    • Devaka - replace the faulty warp coil in the engine
    • Devaka - recalibrate the deflector dish for better shield performance
    • Devaka - replace electrodes of the gridded ion thruster
    • Devaka - fixed the glitch in the teleporter that was sending people to the wrong planet
    • Devaka - install a new security system for the cargo bay
    • Devaka - replace the damaged communication array on the hull
    • Devaka - add more type-x phaser arrays to the galaxy-class ship
    • Devaka - Upgraded the security codes for the base entrance
    • Devaka - improve the performance of distributed bragg reflector
    • Devaka - install a new warp field stabilizer for smoother warp travel
    • Devaka - Increase the size of the fusion reactor to improve power output
    • Devaka - upgrade some valveless pulsejet systems
    • Devaka - add more plasma-squeezing transformers to the magnetic confinement fusion reactor
    • Devaka - safety cover installed over self destruct button
    • Devaka - adjust the inertial dampeners for smoother flight
    • Devaka - reinforced the roof with weather-resistant materials
    • Devaka - replace the faulty EPS conduits in the engineering deck
    • Devaka - enhance the main gas turbine modular helium reactor
    • Devaka - thinking cap rebuilt to use batteries instead of gasoline
    • Devaka - installed a new air filtration system to combat the toxic fumes from the volcano
    • Devaka - install new turbolifts for faster transport around the ship
    • Devaka - install a new phaser bank for better coverage
    • Devaka - replaced some of the polymer solar cells with organic solar cells
    • Devaka - connect the lightning rod to the top of the clock tower
    • Devaka - clean up the broken indium phosphide crystals
    • Devaka - repair the damaged plasma manifold in the engine room.
    • Devaka - clean out the kraken cave
    • Devaka - replace the damaged plasma coil in the impulse engine
    • Devaka - installed new heat-resistant materials for the furnace
    • Devaka - refill lithium deuteride in the external pulsed plasma propulsion
    • Devaka - temporary jump jets added to escape pod 7
    • Devaka - reprogrammed the robots in the factory to be more efficient
    • Devaka - replace the faulty EPS conduits in the engineering deck
    • Devaka - improve the water cooling system
    • Devaka - recharge the depleted energy cells for the phasers
    • Devaka - primary weapon made 4% more efficient
    • Devaka - install a new torpedo launcher for improved firepower
    • Devaka - donuts cleared out of torpedo tube 3 so we don't get ants
    1 year ago
    We just deployed an upgraded version of our forum software. We have introduced several exciting new features that enhance the user experience and functionality. Here is a comprehensive list of the latest additions:

    • Jeanne - add name of forum and link to forum on page where create new topic
    • Jeanne - made name of user sending PM to blue (vs a color with little contrast to backgrond)
    • Devaka - adjust the frequency of the subspace communications array
    • Devaka - Show post reply button on the desktop view of rattlesnake topics
    • Devaka - Show reply button for everyone on mobile view rattlesnake forum
    • Devaka - Show a separate page when an unqualified user tries to post to a rattlesnake forum
    • Devaka - Show quote button for everyone on the rattlesnake forum
    • Devaka - When a person without pie tries to post to a forum that requires pie, show them a message instead of redirecting to the pie page
    • Devaka - connect more solar cells to the undervolt main B bus
    • Devaka - Show a welcoming message on top of the affiliate console for new users.
    • Devaka - upgrade the medical bay with new equipment and technology
    • Devaka - Remove payment status information from the guest payment email capture popup
    • Devaka - Add login button to the guest payment email capture popup
    • Devaka - Add label that says "create a quick account with email" to the guest payment email capture page
    • Devaka - Change submit email to verify my email on the guest payment email capture page
    • Devaka - improve the water cooling system
    • Devaka - completed another round of 3C273 quasar flyby
    • Devaka - reinforced the roof with weather-resistant materials
    • Devaka - upgraded the door locks with biometric scanners
    • Devaka - clean out the kraken cave
    • Devaka - repair the damaged replicators in the mess hall
    • Devaka - install a new tractor beam emitter
    • Devaka - Remove cancel button and add cancel transaction link at the guest payment popup
    • Devaka - change font sizes of the guest payment page
    • Devaka - Add more spacing in the guest payment popup
    • Devaka - Fix typo in the restricted forums message
    • Devaka - install a new warp field stabilizer for smoother warp travel
    • Devaka - main engine reconnected to another electron pump
    • Devaka - Exclude "similar topics" of unqualified threads from the sitemap.
    • Devaka - add one photon cannon to the runabout
    • Devaka - upgrade the life support systems for better efficiency
    • Devaka - upgrade the computer core for faster processing speed
    • Devaka - lava routed to a lower level, opening up three more bunk rooms for henchmen
    • Devaka - Increase the size of the fusion reactor to improve power output
    • Devaka - Install a new hydroponics bay for fresh food production
    1 year ago
    We just deployed an upgraded version of our forum software. We have introduced several exciting new features that enhance the user experience and functionality. Here is a comprehensive list of the latest additions:

    • Devaka - /pie URL
    • Devaka - make "pie freebies and discounts" section expanded by default
    • Devaka - alligator pit expansion
    • Devaka - fix the broken liquid scintillation counter
    • Jeanne - add multiple url support and rel=me option in profile
    • Jeanne - Install a new hydroponics bay for fresh food production
    • Jeanne - repair the hull breach in section 12B
    • Jeanne - fix typo on admin config page
    • Devaka - Coinbase integration
    • Devaka - shark tank expansion
    • Devaka - refuel the auxiliary power generators for backup power
    • Devaka - upgrade aft shields
    • Devaka - refuel the auxiliary power generators for backup power
    • Devaka - refill lithium deuteride in the external pulsed plasma propulsion
    • Devaka - refurbish the dilithium matrix chamber
    • Devaka - replace the faulty isolinear chips in the computer core
    • Devaka - install a new holodeck program for crew entertainment
    • Devaka - shielded the primary shuttle from the messier 83 gamma ray burst
    • Devaka - Stripe payment integration
    • Devaka - alligator pit trap door mechanism adjustment
    • Devaka - reset the dart launchers in the cave labyrinth
    • Devaka - recharge the depleted energy cells for the phasers
    • Devaka - capture some unstable isotopes of bismuth
    • Devaka - refill the hydrogen tanks for the fusion reactor
    • Devaka - Make the stripe payment option show up on mobile view
    • Devaka - Make the guest payment email capture screen bigger
    • Devaka - Make stripe + coinbase flow work properly on mobile view
    • Devaka - install a new communications relay for improved transmission distance
    • Devaka - corrected a 5.39x10⁻⁴⁴ seconds offset found in the main atomic clock
    • Devaka - robot goat army finally has actual targeting so THAT won't happen again
    • Devaka - Fix bug where changing invalid email was failed with an error.
    • Devaka - connect more solar cells to the undervolt main B bus
    • Devaka - minor wording change with guest payments
    • Devaka - add more boron control rods to the secondary nuclear reactor
    • Jeanne - install a new phaser bank for better coverage
    • Devaka - When a user logs in after a guest payment, show a landing page with information of the items they purchased.
    • Devaka - lava routed to a lower level, opening up three more bunk rooms for henchmen
    • Devaka - install a new shield generator for improved protection
    • Devaka - adjust the frequency of the subspace communications array
    • Devaka - Prompt user to verify guest transactions in the original browser.
    • Liutauras - improve the performance of distributed bragg reflector
    • Liutauras - replace the faulty EPS conduits in the engineering deck
    • Devaka - Mention the correct payment processor name instead of just "paypal" in all emails
    • Devaka - install a new warp field stabilizer for smoother warp travel
    • Devaka - Remove the word "paypal" from custom invoice landing page
    • Devaka - dilithium crystal calibration
    • Devaka - Remove the word "paypal" from the list of DM purchases
    • Devaka - install a new auxiliary control room for emergency situations
    • Devaka - upgrade the life support systems for better efficiency
    • Devaka - more quantum detectors installed to capture remote brainstem activities
    • Devaka - upgrade the medical bay with new equipment and technology
    • Devaka - temporary jump jets added to escape pod 7
    • Devaka - reinforced the walls of the control room to protect against potential attacks
    • Devaka - Remove "paypal" from the on the sharing page for sharing a DM thread.
    • Devaka - fix the broken vacuum beam lines in the primary electrostatic nuclear accelerator
    • Devaka - add more tritium to the main engine
    • Devaka - install a new force field generator for better containment
    • Devaka - undocked the command module from the secret mission module
    • Devaka - refit the captain's quarters with new amenities and furniture
    • Devaka - Minor fixes to mobile view
    • Devaka - fix the lithium-based cooling system
    • Devaka - add more sensors to the main reactor so we can monitor it more 'closely'
    • Devaka - upgrade the computer core for faster processing speed
    • Devaka - replace the damaged plasma coil in the impulse engine
    • Devaka - fix vacuum engine in a quantum torpedo
    • Devaka - replace the damaged communication array on the hull
    • Devaka - replace electrodes of the gridded ion thruster
    • Devaka - main engine reconnected to another electron pump
    • Devaka - repair the damaged EPS regulator in the auxiliary control room
    • Liutauras - upgraded the door locks with biometric scanners
    • Devaka - installed new heat-resistant materials for the furnace
    • Devaka - List of best and worst performing email domains
    • Devaka - Fix bug where payment processor naming didn't work with guest payments
    • Devaka - found the droids we were looking for
    • Devaka - improve the water cooling system
    • Devaka - Make the payment selection box tage the entire width of the browser
    • Devaka - Add big buttons to the payment selection page
    • Devaka - Responsive payment method selection buttons
    • Devaka - repair the damaged replicators in the mess hall
    • Devaka - Optimize the mobile view of the payment methods page
    • Devaka - fix the launch button so it won't get 'pressed' abruptly.
    • Devaka - upgrade the computer core for faster processing speed
    • Devaka - Send a one-click verification link to the default email obtained from stripe.
    • Devaka - donuts cleared out of torpedo tube 3 so we don't get ants
    • Liutauras - Update Google Analytics tracker
    1 year ago
    Here's what's new in today's deployment:

    • Jeanne - undocked the command module from the secret mission module
    • Jeanne - fishing the gross goo out of the carbonite freezer after a boo-boo
    • Devaka - corrected a 5.39x10⁻⁴⁴ seconds offset found in the main atomic clock
    • Devaka - safety cover installed over self destruct button
    • Devaka - enhance plasma synthesis to make the production of artificial atoms more efficient
    • Jeanne - fix favicon for safari on mac (hot patched)
    • Devaka - New mobile responsive unified pie page
    • Devaka - Monthly pie subscriptions
    • Devaka - Better thumb images for mobile view (hot-patched to permies)
    • Devaka - Add h1 tag to each forum on mobile view
    • Devaka - Add h1 tag to the mobile homepage
    • Devaka - Add h1 tag to category mobile view
    • Devaka - main engine reconnected to another electron pump
    • Devaka - dilithium crystal calibration
    • Devaka - upgrade some valveless pulsejet systems
    • Devaka - thinking cap rebuilt to use batteries instead of gasoline
    • Devaka - Use the new signup landing screen on all type of sign ups
    • Devaka - completed another round of 3C273 quasar flyby
    2 years ago
    We just deployed a new release of the forum software. Here's some of the cool new 'features':

    • Liutauras - Search for my own posts defaults to Any Date
    • Devaka - refilled the main beta particle emitter with copper-64 isotope
    • Devaka - rewire cabin 12 to facilitate a hologram projector
    • Devaka - improve the performance of distributed bragg reflector
    • Devaka - thinking cap rebuilt to use batteries instead of gasoline
    • Devaka - replace electrodes of the gridded ion thruster
    • Devaka - Improve the performance of thread boost pages by letting stats load on ajax
    • Devaka - Fresh implementation of recurring transactions and recurring pie purchase
    • Devaka - Fix wording in some pie emails
    • Devaka - primary weapon made 4% more efficient
    • Devaka - reset the dart launchers in the cave labyrinth
    • Devaka - safety cover installed over self destruct button
    • Devaka - enhance plasma synthesis to make the production of artificial atoms more efficient
    • Devaka - add more type-x phaser arrays to the galaxy-class ship
    • Devaka - removed the dead tribbles from shuttle pod 7
    • Devaka - more quantum detectors installed to capture remote brainstem activities
    • Devaka - refill lithium deuteride in the external pulsed plasma propulsion
    • Devaka - alligator pit expansion
    • Devaka - add more sensors to the main reactor so we can monitor it more 'closely'
    • Devaka - fix the droid that was secretly malfunctioning
    • Devaka - enhance the main gas turbine modular helium reactor
    • Devaka - rewire the main transformer so we won't get electrocuted
    • Devaka - Fix bug where the scavenger hunt didn't include book reviews containing mixed cases in the special text
    • Devaka - found the droids we were looking for
    • Devaka - upgrade aft shields
    • Devaka - corrected a 5.39x10⁻⁴⁴ seconds offset found in the main atomic clock
    • Devaka - combine a bunch of shark tanks to make a big one
    • Devaka - merit badges show up on mobile view signature
    • Devaka - shielded the primary shuttle from the messier 83 gamma ray burst
    • Devaka - cleaned that weird goo out of transporter room 2
    • Devaka - shark tank trap door mechanism adjustment
    • Devaka - fix the lithium-based cooling system
    • Devaka - add more boron control rods to the secondary nuclear reactor
    • Devaka - fix the broken liquid scintillation counter
    • Devaka - alligator pit trap door mechanism adjustment
    • Devaka - connect the lightning rod to the top of the clock tower
    • Devaka - undocked the command module from the secret mission module
    • Devaka - clean out the kraken cave
    • Devaka - Hide certain fields from the user badges page
    • Devaka - Fix and improve the layout of the user merit badges page
    • Devaka - robot goat army finally has actual targeting so THAT won't happen again
    • Devaka - Link merit badge icons in the user merit badges page
    • Devaka - add one photon cannon to the runabout
    • Devaka - bring the flux capacitor online
    • Devaka - increase the magnetic field intensity of the primary cyclotron
    • Devaka - Fix bug where it failed to update DX5 banners
    • Devaka - Fix bug with disconnected DX1 and DX5 banners
    • Devaka - Fix bug where "all forums" wasn't accessible from mobile view
    • Devaka - fix the hypersonic scramjet
    • Devaka - added to level 5 diagnostic for long range sensors
    • Devaka - connect more solar cells to the undervolt main B bus
    • Devaka - add more lithium-7 coolant to the main reactor
    • Devaka - optimize stellarator to produce more plasma
    • Devaka - Remove "beta" label from thread boost
    • Devaka - clean up the broken indium phosphide crystals
    • Devaka - add more long range sensors with better accuracy
    • Devaka - Add recent threads to the mobile view homepage
    • Devaka - fix the broken vacuum beam lines in the primary electrostatic nuclear accelerator
    • Devaka - fix beam-powered propulsion in one of our pulse detonation engines
    • Devaka - upgrade some valveless pulsejet systems
    • Devaka - reworked the AI of HAL 9000
    • Devaka - Remove search plugin reference
    2 years ago