Kuladip Yadav

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since Jul 30, 2008
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Recent posts by Kuladip Yadav


I am preparing for OCPJP. I heard that OCPJP 7 is out.
So I am thinking to give OCPJP 7.

I was preparing for OCPJP 6, what are the major changes in OCPJP 7 ?

Can anybody provides me official link for OCPJP 7 objectives?

Hi ,

I want to intercept secure urls in application and check whether user have accepted terms & conditions.
And show terms & conditions acceptance page if user have not accepted it

So, what is better way to implement it ?

13 years ago
Hi Craig,

Does this book covers OpenID integration with Spring ?

13 years ago

If anybody wants to learn Objective-C, then what are the prerequisites for it ?

Is it similar to C/C++ ?

Any link/pointer appreciated.

13 years ago
Thanks Chuck for your information
14 years ago
Thanks Tibi for your reply.

But can anybody campare both of these model?

14 years ago
Hi Chuck,

Does the Google uses same MapReduce model as in Hadoop ?
And have you discussed this topic in your book ?

14 years ago
yes, totally agree with you.
For more sensitive area it's better to avoid openID

thanks for your reply.
14 years ago
Thanks for your reply.
And article link provided by you is very useful for openID implementation with spring security 3.

By the way, is it secure to use openID authentication for application ?
What do you think ?

14 years ago
Hi Peter,

Does the spring 3 security provide special API for openID authentication ?
Do you have separate chapter for this ?

I have used openID authentication using openid4java libraries.
But if spring 3 provides integration of openID authentication support then it's great

Any pointers/examples appreciated.

14 years ago

Does JavaFX provide special interface/api for consuming RESTful services?

14 years ago
In Derby Null values are not allowed for unique constraints. See here

May be ,thats why hibernate dialect skip it.
For mysql it works fine.
Can you check query generated by hibernate for both scenario ?
By looking at both queries you will come to know exact problem.
You can use @Transient for that field, So it will not persist in to database.

Can you check logs generated for your application by setting logger value for org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl to DEBUG ?
It will show create statement for all tables.