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Recent posts by ShankarS

This Shankar from Chennai-India. I have plans to do my IBM UML certification.
One of the book suggested for certification is Applying UML and Patterns : An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
There is another book written by same author (craig larman). THey say, its the secong edition.
Which is...., Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process.
The table of contents provided for these two books are entirely diffrent. Which one is the right book suggested for certification.
Thanks & Regards,
Shankar S
Which book did u use, both are written by Larman
1. Applying UML and Patterns : An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
2. Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process.

Thanx. in Adavance,
Shankar S
But, the same author has written a book called "Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process".
Are you aware of that?
Thanks & Regards,
- Shankar S
This Shankar from Chennai-India. I have plans to do my IBM UML certification.
One of the book suggested for certification is Applying UML and Patterns : An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
This book was mentioned in the site.But, when i click the link to buy the book, its takes me to another book written by same author (craig larman).
Which is...., Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process.
The table of contents provided for these two books are entirely diffrent. Which one is the right book suggested for certification.
Thanks & Regards,
Shankar S
The instructions has specifed this statmenet, "The names of the files you have submitted, with a note of their location in the directory structure, and a high level description of the purpose of each."
What does this mean? should we list all the .java files?
Is it required list all the .java files and explain them?
I am plannin gto list the .jar files alone and explain them.
I have four .jar files - db.jar, dbserver.jar, dbclient.jar & fbn.jar.
Please give me some suggestions....
Any comments from people who completed SCDJ ???
Thanx. in Advance,
Shankar S
The setPage() method of the JEditorPane takes an URL to display page using the HTTP protocol. I want to display a html page from my local file system.
Thanx. in Adavace,
Shankar S
I have a design question in terms of handling exceptions.
The various methods in the Data class throws DatabaseException. But, the Data class constructor alone does not throw DatabaseEXception, instead it throws IOException. Shall we change it to throw DatabaseException.
And, We will be using wait() method somewhere in our Data class, mostly in lock() method. How are you guys handling the InterruptedException. Are you peoples handling it and throwing it as DatabaseException. And, what message are you guys placing as message string.
Thanx. in Advance,
Shankar S
The various methods in the Data class throws DatabaseException. But, the Data class constructor alone does not throw DatabaseEXception, instead it throws IOException. Shall we change it to throw DatabaseException.
And, We will be using wait() method somewhere in our Data class, mostly in lock() method. How are you guys handling the InterruptedException. Are you peoples handling it and throwing it as DatabaseException. And, what message are you guys placing as message string.
Thanx. in Advance,
Shankar S
I guess, i have to drop this user name & create a new one.
Is it right?
BTW, It seems no one is replying for both of my posts, yet.
Why don't you spend some time for my questions?
Shankar S
My full name is Shankar Shanmugam. "Shankar S" is aready used by some one else.
Shankar S
Hi all,
The Data class constructor alone throws IOEXception, but all other public methods throws DatabaseException. Can we make it throw DatabaseException?
How are you guys handling it?
Can we make both the constructors of Data class throw DatabaseException as all other public method does?
Thanx. in Adavance,
Shankar S
The delete() method does not check for any validation(record exist or not), but some other validation are done in add() & modify() methods. Do we need to check whether the record actually exists before setting it as DELETED_RECORD ?
Thanx. in Adavnce,
Shankar S
Thanx a lot for your previous replies.
I still have a couple of questions for you.
(1) Did you have the only .class files inside the Server.jar &
(2) Where did you place the Data.class files (3) Where did you place the source, class & doc files of Data, DataServer Implementation & the Data Client Implementation?
(4) Did you have any nested .jar files ?
(5) This question is not about jar files. The Data class constructor alone throws IOEXception, but all other punlic method throws DatabaseException. Can we make it throw DatabaseException? How did you handled it?
(6) The delete() method does not check for any validation(file exist or not), but some other validation are done in add() & modify() methods. Do we need to check whether the record actually exists before setting it as DELETED_RECORD ?

Thanx. in Advance,
Shankar S
[This message has been edited by ShankarS (edited August 05, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by ShankarS (edited August 05, 2001).]
Since, you said that you have the help html file in the jar file itself, Did you place the db.db file too in the jar file.?
And, How abt the jar files. You had any server.jar, client.jar, db.jar, fbn.jar, etc.
Once Again,
Thanx a lot,
Shankar S
Thanx a lot, I didn't expect such a fast reply to my queries.
So, It tends me to ask you some more questions.
(1) Did you simulate current clients for load testing the RMI Application?
(2) How you implemented the online help?
(3) Will be lock be blocked for new requests, when the client that locked the records crashes without unlocking the record?
(4) And, Can you give us few tips on writing the readme, desing and other documents.
Once Again,
Thanx. in Advance,
Shankar S