Oleg Tikhonov

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since Aug 02, 2008
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Recent posts by Oleg Tikhonov

look at LDAP Spring LDAP, OpenID and OAuth.
OWASP - Open Web Application Security Project may also be considered.

14 years ago
Hello Sergey,

I'm wondering what are the difference(s) between mutex and semaphore ?

Thank you in advance,
I do it by accessing TopDocs

what version of Lucene do you use?

For 2.9 try this:
returns an instance of this class. Calls to return a Hit instance.
And - returns score for this hit.

Hope it helps,
You can use the following:
1. Web horoscope services, I don't know any but you can look at here.
2. RSS/Atom - subscribe to the RSS channel(s) and parse by your needs

When you create user's account just put additional info like date of birth in DB/users.properties or any other place and after a user is logged in, take this info and query. Show retrieved data using some "widgets" (Flex, JSF, JavaFX, DoJo, RAP ...).

Hope it helps.
14 years ago
first of all, please look at these APIs. 1. apache pdfbox; 2. icepdf; 3. adobe pdf library

Chose one of the APIs, in accordance with your selection, develop a business logic.

14 years ago
| description
A | is a mail belonging to folder F_1
B | is a mail belonging to folder F_2
C | has a mail been classified before
P | will a mail be classified to F_2

Let’s assume that a mail that belonging to folder F_1, is also belonging to folder F_2, and has
been classified before. We want to predict the probability that the mail will be classified to F_2:
Pr{P=F|A=T,B=T,C=T}=Pr{A=T,B=T,C=T|P=F}Pr{F}/Pr {A=T,B=T,C=T}

One of the easiest ways to compute an event’s probability is to take its frequency count.
In our table for example, all A,B,C events happened 20 times, event A happened 5 times, event B - 12, event c - 3.
Pr{A}=5/20; Pr{B}=12/20; Pr{C}=3/20.

Pr{A or B } = Pr{A} + Pr{B} – Pr{A and B}
Pr{A and B} = Pr{A}Pr{B|A} = Pr{B} Pr{A|B} - Bayes' rule
output attribute could be either T - true or F -false.
Something like that.
15 years ago

Here Features are the keywords in the document and classes are the folder . But i am stuck after that step.

Could you give a little bit more information about where are you stuck?


15 years ago
for more information look at Toolkit
15 years ago
Did you try like that?

Hope it helps.
15 years ago
Yes you can .
Please look at examples here.
I use it in my environment and it works fine.
15 years ago
Ant has a war task.

Here is a fragment of the build.xml file

Hope it helps,
15 years ago
I couldn't see the picture, but try to answer.

I am not sure how the Application Manager creates relationships between the plugins and it's installed plugins/fragments.

An OSGi bundle can share its packages with other bundles or hide packages from other bundles. This is achieved with the following manifest headers: Export-Package, Import-Package and DynamicImport-Package. A bundle can specify the packages it exports and imports using these manifest headers.
The OSGi API has: ExportedPackage with two methods: getExportingBundle() and getImportingBundles(). This package may or may not be currently wired to other bundles. There is another interesting class PackageAdmin, that allows to inspect the package wiring state of bundles/plug-ins.

15 years ago
Generally speaking Eclipse based applications have a plug-in architecture, like the lego game. All plug-ins are in some container that responsible for providing services, manages them and so forth. For example, start/stop plug-in, install/uninstall etc. It's similar to "operating system" that takes care about resources, processes ... While loading Eclipse application OSGi does all its job in order to start-up application.
I think you would like to find a jar that might be as follows "org.eclipse.osgi_3.2.0.jar". Throughout its API you can achieve your goal easily.

Here is a link to the osgi javadoc.

15 years ago
OSGi (Eclipse Equinox), type 'ss' command that stands for 'short status' and it lists all the bundles installed in the OSGi container.
Or you can start your application based on Eclipse by >your_program.exe -console.

Hope it helps,
15 years ago