Priyanka Dandekar

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since Aug 06, 2008
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Recent posts by Priyanka Dandekar

For others benefit.....Just replying to this thread cause I created a blog post about several set of commands which can help you in similar situation

I have tried to include all commands that helped during this issue debugging - Most Powerful Unix Commands for Java Performance Debugging

Hope this helps a struggling java developer on google

15 years ago
I am trying to come up with a data structure where multiple threads can add elements to my data structure and multiple threads can remove the data from my data structure.

I am trying to create a data structure like queue where multiple threads can add and delete the data from queue.

Should I keep add and remove methods synchronized?

If I synchronize these methods then only 1 thread can add element at a time which may slow down the performance.

Let me know what could be the best way to implement it with good performance.

Any pointers or suggestions are welcome.

One more thing I forgot to mention is, we are storing the User-agent field in a single database field. The logic for parsing the different field values need not be their on the storing application as their can be many applications logging the same information . Only the reporting module needs to be able to understand and parse the user-agent.

Imagine a scenario when you have used this in 5 different applications and a new browser version comes up. If the logic of parsing is present on reporting side then you need to just upgrade the reporting module not all 5 applications.

15 years ago
For benefit of others, here is what I found up to date as per todays browser needs. Still doesnt talk about the OS and other details but I guess can be built.
Detecting User-agent for a browser

Have you seen Google Analytics report about the type of browsers and Operating systems accessing a web page. Thats possibly one of the reasons why you would want to store user-agent.

We are also storing user-agent for similar statistics, it gives more details about the type of users accessing your web site and based on that you can decide some future strategies.

I hope this helps.
15 years ago
temp directory exists and I have all permission on that directory to create or delete files. I suspect this file is not being used for logging. there may be some other config file which is being read...not sure though...
Thanks for your reply, I edited the file in opensso/WEB-INF/classes directory and set the logging to DEBUG mode. But it doesnt seem to be logging anything. Here are the content of the prop file. I dont even see the c:/temp/opensso.log file created

It seems that the settings here are not being used...
Hi Experts,
I am trying to integrate OpenSSO with our existing Active Directory setup. I followed all steps mentioned in this article

But when I try authenticating a user id fails. Now I am not sure how to debug this. I dont see any server logs moving. Any idea how to debug the OpenSSO installation?
I am not even sure if its trying to reach Active Directory or not?

Is there anyways I can enable logging in OpenSSO war file?

Also, I am not using an administrator account to contact Active Directory, is it necessary?

Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
for benefit of others, here are the consolidated list of commands which can help you debug similar issue

Debugging java OutOfMemory issue
15 years ago
We have a requirement for task tracking using web based application. I searched over the web and found a big list of applications but nothing seems to really fit in what I am looking for.

Here are the list I found

All of them seems to be very complicated task /project management applications. What I am looking for is a simple web based task tracker where users can login and modify the status of their tasks and .... a report can be generated .... Anybody who has used an existing app please let me know.

I am sure it would not make much sense to write this application from scratch.
I figured out the issue and here is the solution for others benifit

Add a action state instead of view state in the flow xml like below

I still don't understand the reason why it doesn't get the request parameters from query string when I am using view state though. Let me know if you have some clue.

Hi experts,
I am using SPRING MVC webflow using FlowController. When I submit a request using input page with same parameters

myid and zip code I get the response properly. but when I send the request using url like shown below it does not find the parameter values

I tried using following method call but the value is null

Let me know if I am doing something wrong here. Why spring MVC doesn't recognize query string parameters but works for normal form based submissions.

I would want to open my page to all kind of requests, and thats why I want to allow query String parameters.

Let me know your comments/ suggesttion

Thanks experts for your responses. This is resolved. It was not related to certificate.

But the solution was strange,

The <link href="" /> tags and <script src=""/> tags were used in this file in mixed order.

I moved all <link href="" /> tags on top of the page and it started working fine.

Still dont have a clue why this would happen. I still have these link tags pointing to http links and also have script tags pointing to JS files in http links.

Any idea what could be the reason?
15 years ago
We are using hibernate 3 for our application, I wanted to be sure if we use the code snippet like below is it safe from SQL injection?


Just wanted to be sure if hibernate is already taking care of it, need not do an extra effort.
Thanks for your replies, I figured out the issue. There was a place where a call to findAll method was made on a hibernate entity. This was bringing whole database in memory and we were running out.

I have removed this piece and it works now.

Thanks again for your responses.
15 years ago