aleem khan

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since Aug 07, 2008
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Basically the problem with open source i guess is that there is no proper customer support for them. Using them in real production environment is quite risky.
Whereas if you consider oracle SOA suite it has good support and i think it is very mature and continusly being improved.
You can just compare open source DB like Mysql and oracle or IBM DB .
15 years ago
Yes Definitely, industry is moving towards all those technologies. In future there would
be less work on core programming, i think we would be having all ready made or well tested
webservices and we may just use those webservices and orchestrate them to our business process. At least for next 10 years i see SOA to dominate
15 years ago
EJB3 In Action is easiest book available for beginers, but there is also other book EJB3.0 from Orielly which is also good for beginers with simple practical code
@Local is faster whereas @Remote is comparatively slow as already explained above.
You could design in another if you want both @local and @Remote
Have one common interface
public interface ProcessPayment {

public boolean byCheck(Customer customer, CheckDO check, double amount)
throws PaymentException;

public boolean byCash(Customer customer, double amount)
throws PaymentException;

public boolean byCredit(Customer customer, CreditCardDO card,
double amount) throws PaymentException;


Extend 2 intefaces(@Local and @Remote ) to the above Parent Interface and use the child interfaces accordingly

public interface ProcessPaymentLocal extends ProcessPayment {


public interface ProcessPaymentRemote extends ProcessPayment {

Hi Anup

I have jboss 4.2.3GA and supports EJB3.0 ,not sure about 4.0.4 though
Here are the steps from my side

1)Ejb3 in Action by Reza (gives you good background to start)
2)EJB3.0 from Orielly (have code examples to practice and test on Jboss)
3)Go through EJB3.0 CORE specs and JPA specs
4)May be can try MKZ notes (for final revision)
5)Some mock exams

Currently i am in step 2) and quite happy with this plan
If you are particular about JBOSS use this book
Enterprise JavaBeans, 3.0
By Bill Burke, Richard Monson-Haefel
Publisher: O'Reilly

This book is good enough with lots of practical code. They also demonstrate building ejb etc through ANT on jboss .

But before that reading EJB3 In Action (byDebu panda,Reza) sets the solid background for EJB3.0 .

So in general
1)use cookie if you want to have user preference along with session management
2)use encodeURL if cookie is turned off (basically by checking if cookie is present)

Hence developers have to only keep these 2 things in mind
addcookie(if i want preference) and encodeURL , rest all is done by server

I was under impression that we have to get jsessionid from server and then append them
with cookie and then append them with URL (encodeURL).

Thanks for your clarification
16 years ago
I think you can safely say 2-tier or 3-tier architecture.
2-tier if you are using just struts + database and 3-tier if you are using
struts+ejb(or POJO where business logic resides) +database

Then again you can explain struts follows MVC etc
16 years ago
Using EJB3.0 is very simple. If you using Jboss as application server then you dont require even database.
It has built in database called (Hypersonic database). So you can have everything
JSP/SERVLETs, EJB(session, stateless,Entity), inbuilt ORM concepts with all database concepts (creating database,update database etc) and generate .ear file
and deploy on jboss. So you have everything what you need (ofcourse JVM, java compiler also required ) is built on decorator pattern. InputStream, BufferedInputStream. At runtime
an object is given additional responsibility

Ejb container uses proxy pattern where EjbObject(proxy) from server interacts with the Enterprise beans and adds additional responsibilites like security, concurrency and ejb feautures on the enterprise bean

Hope this helps
Hi all,

I am really confused with all three concepts , looked into various tutorials etc but each one is contradicting
Hence i am compiling questions
1)For managing session does user has to explicitly do encodeUrl if cookies are turned off by browser?
2)In some of the tutorials i came to know user doesn't have to do anything the server will
gerneate jsessionId automatically and server will send that to browser , user doesn't need to do anything
he has to only call this HttpSession.getSession(true);

3)If server is maintaining the session automatically then why we have
concepts like Cookie.addCokie() or encodeURL . It is better we can leave this to server
automatically which will generate and jsession id

4) Please some one tell the exact steps which a developer has to do so that he can maintain session even when cookies are turned off
16 years ago