krish pan

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since Aug 13, 2008
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Recent posts by krish pan

Ok No Confusions. I am talking about the amount left with me after I pay my liabilities (i.e. loan's, equated monthly instalments). Now the amount left is $2600 CAD per month. Can anyone update about how well can I have living with this much amount in hand for spending towards grocery/rent/entertainment/etc. with the family of 2 adults and 2 children (less than 6 years age)
15 years ago
Luke in fact my question is about Cost of Living and not salary size. I am a Java Architect with 9 years of experience and the gross sal. stands at 69K p.a. I am not sure if this is a good sal. but the take home after my morgage/loans is going to be $2600 per month. The query which I have is if this much amount of 2600(CAD) per month enough for a family of 4 (including kids) as mentioned above ? You can also add if this is a fair salary for a resource with specified experience level and if not ideally what should be the right salary per annum. Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
Just to Update, the amount mentioned is monthly salary.
15 years ago
How shall a TAKE HOME salary of $2600 go for a family of 2(adults)+2(kids) in Toronto, Canada ? How are the cost's of living in Toronto ? Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
Can anybody elaborate on cost of living in toronto canada. Also what is the schooling cost for kid aged 7 years.
16 years ago
Over all this seems to be a policy of deposit, which is with them, In case you dont fly the amount if forfeited. In case you fly you should get back the money, IDEALLY.

I too have a big dilemma over this question to file an H1 or not. Considering the current scenario this question is difficult to answer and I too am looking for the answer. Yestd. I meet a guy who is onsite in US through a reputed company, over all he said the chances of getting H1 jobs for Indians is limited this year. Mostly companies prefer green card holders and native's. Didnt understand the reason behind this argument. May be newcomers take time to settle and also need to be financed for the same.

Perhaps the company you mentioned is expecting some business in the year 2010, hence it postpones your relocation. So over all breath seems to be revival of markets starting 2010, and recession to continue in 2009.

Can any body answer the question- TO FILE H1 OR NOT this year ??
16 years ago
did you work in same company in last 9 years
---- NO

did you ever communicate to your HR or Manager that you want to be Onsite
---- Yes I have communicated.. But some how didnt find any opportunity till now. I work in a well known product based company. Now working in a brand company also puts one in dilemma. You would stick to that place since you have a brand behind and wont consider other onsite job opportunites unless you get an opportunity with any other brand.

does your current project have any Onsite ?
--- Current project doesnt seem to have any onsite as such

do the companies you work have Onsite/Offshore Model
--- since I am in a product based company, long term onsites are again questionable. Limited onsite/offshore model projects.

Save meeeeeeee My passport is expiring
16 years ago
Why are australian recruiters more inclined towards local experience. What makes the diffn with this ?
16 years ago
I too am planning for UK. Can anybody comment on which are the TOP Companies (for J2EE) in UK worth applying. Also is it worth moving UK next year considering the current job mkt sluggishness.
16 years ago
Over all I found more IT jobs posted in Australian job sites then UK job sites.. Can any body else comment on this ?
16 years ago
Apart from my last posting regarding quick onsite opportunity in the current thread, I need to mention that its almost 9 yrs. of exp. with J2EE now and still I didnt get any onsite opportunity. And the scenario is my passport is expiring this year, without a single stamp on it.
16 years ago
In which Companies should one get into get Quick Onsite ? Where can I find a list of such companies ?
16 years ago
MAN I am dying to go to USA and you are crying there ? In fact you are very lucky ! You should enjoy.
You had a great opportunity to stay and work in a different culture. You can learn a lot there. The temporary phase you are not on project will definitely go. Best try to utilize this time in studying. Since later once you get on project, you won't find time for study.

Alternately try doing these things.
* Learning cook food. (every one needs to before going to US- I had started learning.)
* Learning American accent (American English)
* Learning things about the new culture (just by observation)
* studying
* exercise
* other entertainment which is possible for you.

In fact I strongly feel that what�s the point in staying in the same country (India) all our lives, we should go and look the world outside as well.
16 years ago
1) How are the j2ee job opportunties in UK if you get an HSMP but still staying back in India ?

2) What can be done to fetch a good j2ee job in UK, with minimum expenses, if you have HSMP ?

3) Is it possible to get a job in a branded company there ? Current Experience level is 8+ years.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
Which country has more j2ee opportunties, UK or Australia ? Can anybody comment. Alternately which city/s in these countries have more j2ee opportunties. In which domain (finance,healthcare, etc.) more opportunties are there in either of these countries.
16 years ago