rachel biji

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since Aug 20, 2008
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Recent posts by rachel biji

Yes I understand ...thanks a lot!!!....

But if an array is empty and not null.....doesnt that nean that storage space is created for it(since the array exists)???
15 years ago

I hope this question is not dumb...

If I do not provide any arguments on the command line then will the string array of main be empty or null?
I tried the following code to find out.... but it shows an "ArrayOutOfBoundsException" error...Why is that ?

public class trial

public static void main(String args[])



15 years ago
What is wrong with this code:

The complilation error being "Not a statement"

I also tried
though it didnt look right..

Can you please give me an explanation?
16 years ago
This code that I wrote


The compilation error being "Not a statement". Cant understand whats wrong.I also tried

(i%2==0)?(System.out.println("even");) System.out.println("odd");) ;
even though it didnt look right

Can You please give me an explanation?

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[ August 21, 2008: Message edited by: Campbell Ritchie ]
16 years ago