sreekanth jella

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since Aug 21, 2008
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Recent posts by sreekanth jella

The data that exist in this data node will be replicated by HDFS to available data nodes. I have not tried practically, but nodes should be decommissioned when the command "% hadoop dfsadmin -refreshNodes" is issued.
11 years ago
From Hadoop definitive guide book:
The decommissioning process is controlled by an exclude file, which for HDFS is set by the dfs.hosts.exclude property and for MapReduce by the mapred.hosts.exclude property. It is often the case that these properties refer to the same file. The exclude file lists the nodes that are not permitted to connect to the cluster.

To remove nodes from the cluster:
1. Add the network addresses of the nodes to be decommissioned to the exclude file. Do not update the include file at this point.
2. Update the namenode with the new set of permitted datanodes, with this command:
% hadoop dfsadmin -refreshNodes
3. Update the jobtracker with the new set of permitted tasktrackers using:
% hadoop mradmin -refreshNodes
11 years ago
Ideally output of 15 reducers should be availalable in HDFS.
11 years ago
Start with Hadoop definitive guide v3
11 years ago
I am trying to test a service by invoking WSDL. I got the following response.

This is my request:

In my WSDL there are some filelds with type 'anyType' like " <element name="accountNumber" nillable="true" type="xsd:anyType" /> "

Does this cause problem. I am using SOAP UI tool to invoke this service.
Please let me know if any other information is required.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Sreekanth Jella.
15 years ago
Thanks David, It helped me.
15 years ago
Hi Ujwal,

I have to use either Struts 2 or Spring framework. Currently I am trying with Struts 2.

and also I have tried this using scriptlets. Here is my sample code.

But this is not recommended, I want to use some helper class to retrieve the meta data from DB table, and pass this information to JSP. But I didnt see any way to do in struts 2.

Let me know if any other information is required.
15 years ago
HI All,

I have to render a JSP page based on a database table.

For example, there are two tables, one is having 2 columns and another is having 3 columns.

I will give one of the table name as input, based on this it should be able to render the next page. For the moment we can think all columns are having varchar2 datatype, so all fields should be rendered as text boxes.

Can you please suggest how to write JSP code for above requirement?
15 years ago
I'm also trying to do a small project, parallel to SCWCD preparation.

My project needs Database interaction also, please suggest me, which DB I can use.

I tried to use Oracle, but its very heavy, my system become slow.
My hearty congratulations to you Chintu.
16 years ago