Susan Monz

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since Aug 23, 2008
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Recent posts by Susan Monz

Hi, I modifed my code to <jsp:include page="<%=response.encodeURL(urlString)%>"/> where urlString is relative and the page loads fine. That did it. I will test further because we have internationalization and we are worried about the url coding part.
Will update this post if I come up with anything.

11 years ago
Right. I wasn't aware that it was wrong to cross-post. I was of course going to post the answer if I got the answer from any of the links. Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks for responding. Yes, the imported jsp is part of the same web app. When I use <jsp:include page="<%=urlString%>" />; I get javax.servlet.ServletException: File "/sm/http:/" not found.
and the line in file is

org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.include(request, response, urlString, out, false);

So I don't know whats wrong with the includes code.

The reason we use c:import is because it supports charEncoding="utf-8"

11 years ago
Hi ,

I have a jsp which imports other pages using jstl's <c:import> tag. When we enable basic authentication on the IIS, this page fails to load properly. If we comment out the <c:import> line, then the page loads completely.
Ques: Is there any way to get this to work. 2. Is there any other tag library I can use instead of jstl to import the url on my jsp.

Thanks and regards
11 years ago

When ever I close and open my Jdeveloper 10.1.2, so many things are set on its own. In my Struts-config.xml file many of the forwards paths are changed from "/something" to "/ and another path "/ filepath/Name.jsp" changes to "/"
So every time I start my jdeveloper I have to make sure the struts file is correct. This has also been seen when deployed in Production so its not just happening on my system.
Another file that changes is the orion-web.xml file.
<web-app-class-loader search-local-classes-first="false"/> This is always set to true.
Is it because of the version. Is there any patch for this.

thanks in advance.
Thanks for replying.

Actually i do a check to make sure vo is not empty

if (vo.getRowCount() > 0) {
And with my debugger I know it sets the currentRow.

PageCode is null. It is for this condition I want to code further...
16 years ago

I am getting the foolowing error on my jsp because of code I have written within my scriptlet tag

Error Message: null

at _web_2d_inf._jsp._page._PagePrint._jspService(PagePrint.jsp:109)

The code is
<% if(((Number) vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("PageCode")).intValue() == 0){%>

I tried checking it against null and "" still threw me error. PageCode can be null. If it is null i have set some other attributes. but how do i check for null.
16 years ago

I have a completely working application build on Jdeveloper 10.1.2 with Struts and ADFBC. I have a JSP page with 3 to 4 dependent dropdowns ecah populated after firing the viewobject with the passed parameter. This is tedious as it loads the page everytime and i loose so many other parameters so in turn i end up setting and getting everything explicitly.
I searched and saw i could use AJax, but we haven't included it in our libraries. So i needed to know what files i will need to include and if there is any tutorial out there that can help me in setting this up and also the dependent dropdowns. Also I see there is something called LOVs . Can i use that in Struts. I am not using UIX either.
16 years ago
Thanks for replying. Is this in reply for how to store the values?
Then in the second option, my problem is each dropdown has atleast 20 values. to write a comma seperated combination for each is going to be tough. About the first option not sure, what you mean?

I know dependent dropdowns have been discussed over and over again but my problem is slightly different.... I searched but i couldn't find. Someone please help me out here....
I am using Jdeveloper 10.1.2 with Struts and JSP , ADF BC. NO AJAX ( Could use it but can't afford more time than i have already used)

1.Ok dependent dropdowns - What i have currently done is onchange go to the action class and execute my child dropdown's view object by giving where caluse param as the value selected in parent dropdown. Now this was fine if I had only two dropdowns on my page. But my form has about 7 dropdowns, 6 radio buttons and lots more. Its an application form. Everytime I slect one of the dropdown it reloads which is costly plus I am executing the view object a lot...

2. Multiple Select swap - My basic requirement was to let user select multiple options from a drop down box by pressing ctrl. If i use this, how do i store these values in my entity object and then my data base( as an array? or comma seperated string?) Then i thought it would be cool to have multi select swap boxes.. Again I wrote a javascript function, not quite working yet...which will do the swaps between the two boxes but again how to store this data and now i will need two fields in the form for two diff boxes.. used in this case...right ??? Is there any demo anywhere for this.. i googled but didn't get anything in Struts...

I hope my questions are clear....
Please help
I need help with this query. Can someone tell me whats wrong or even suggest a better way.

Here A and C are the same tables.

16 years ago

I am using jdeveloper 10.1.2 Struts and i needed to print the islamic calender in arabic.
When i searched the forum, I saw that ibm had a jar file for islamic calender in icu4j-2.8.jar (
Is this the right jar file and if it is where do I place it in within my <Jdeveloper_home>?
How do i call it (import) in my java file?

Thanks in advance
16 years ago
Thanks, The articles you suggested helped a lot. I have created my page complete with resource bundles and the like and i even thoughtdoing the below

java.util.Locale locale = new java.util.Locale("ar");
java.text.DecimalFormat df = (java.text.DecimalFormat)


I thought it would display the corresponding arabic numbers. Whereas it doesn't do so. It only displays the same thing.
I was hoping someone already took care of tis. Since I have seen topics on this from 2005...
Also as if this wasn't enough I have to also display arabic calenders instead of the english one.

16 years ago
Hi ,
Were you successful in getting the dynamic data to appear in an arabic form. Like if you have an amount field in english stored in the data base. You want to display this in an Arabic form, is there a way to convert all numbers of the amount ( say 125.00 ) to its corresponding arabic numbers.... I hope you found a way
16 years ago