Ramakanta Sahoo

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since Aug 23, 2008
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Recent posts by Ramakanta Sahoo

I know this is an old post which I stumbled upon via google search but for future reference of users I am putting the piece of code I used to split any large files to any size of chunks and join back them without any issues.
You can find the program here.
8 years ago
What you can do is create a script and put wait time in that to let the dependent ear file deployment complete before starting the deployment of the next.

You can refer below script for the same too.

Weblogic Ear deployment using script

For lifecycle you can try this Weblogic Server Lifecycle management
9 years ago
applications pool --> default app pool --> Advanced setting --> enable 32 bit application = True

Make it false and restart IIS and check or else you can also check below link for the same


Or else try enabling the debug mode in IIS and check the same.

10 years ago
Please make sure you don't have any security patches gone in before you restarted the server machine.

Its better to re-install the service again and check or check in the windows event logs for the error messages.
10 years ago
As mentioned earlier by Armitage you can check below link too for the same.

Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
10 years ago
You can check this out I have added few example links for your reference.

10 years ago
Any idea why this error comes while testing the authentication via Jboss tool kit. Followed below doc with steps attached here with. Please help me get this issue fixed.

Doc: https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/5/html-single/Negotiation_User_Guide/index.html
IIS 7.5 As webserver : App access URL: http://vm-host1.kerberos.com:90

Jboss Server Machine Name: vm-host1.kerberos.com

Jboss server running: http://vm-host1.kerberos.com:8080

AD Domain Controller Machine: vm-domaincontroller.kerberos.com


All Servers are Windows Server 2008 R2 Std Edition and vm-host1.kerberos.com machine hosts Jboss application server and IIS 7.5 running on 8080 and 90 ports respectively.

IE version 8.0.7601, Jboss EAP 5.2.0


SECURED Test shows below error:

HTTP Status 401 -


type Status report


description This request requires HTTP authentication ().


JBoss Web/2.1.13.GA-patch-01


10 years ago
Please check this post to fix it. ( Adding for reference.. though the question was asked in 2005)


11 years ago
There is no support for generating HPROF heap dumps before R28. The only option you have if you absolutely need HPROF heap dumps is to upgrade to R28.

Thus, for instance, there is no way to get HPROF dumps on JRockit (any version) if using 1.4.2 classes, as JRockit R28 supports only JDK 5.0 and 6.

In latest version you can use

JRCMD <pid> heap_diagnostics
jrcmd <pid> help print_object_summary
%JROCKIT_HOME%\bin\jrcmd <pid of target JVM> hprofdump filename=<full path name to the target dump file name>

JRA or JFR are pretty cool tools, but these are NOT the tools of choice to troubleshoot an OutOfMemoryError condition.
hprofdump: This feature dumps some image of the heap at one point in time, enabling remote or later analysis of the memory leak.From this dump, that you can analyze using tools such as "jhat" (provided with the JVM) or "Eclipse MAT" (where MAT stands for "Memory Analyzer Tool"), you can retrieve why a particular set of objects remain live in the heap.
11 years ago
There is nothing called fixed value for the number of managed server it can hold per domain, it all depends on requirement and architecture.
There are many documents available in oracle site for sizing . you can check below article too for more reference.

11 years ago