Thales E. B. Oliveira

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since Aug 25, 2008
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Recent posts by Thales E. B. Oliveira

Good morning everyone

I'm still having trouble in glassfish .. When I started the glassfish server and first implemented the project everything works normally. When I try to redeploy or reload the project, start giving error below and no longer causes the application to work until I restart the glassfish server.

could someone help me?

I thank
13 years ago
excuse the impatience. I'll wait for possible help. Thank you.
13 years ago
Good morning

I am developing an interface where the user sees a tab on the part of the research data on the second tab and see the registry to change the data.
In an initial screen that I developed worked properly because so much research when the record works properly, but on second he rode does not work.
I noticed that not only works because I have to use a selectOneMenu, and when I commented his code everything worked properly. I also noticed that when putting the selectOneMenu all actions are void of the screen.

Below each part of the code:




se alguém puder me ajudar ficarei muito agradecido. Desculpe meu inglês.
13 years ago