shivendra tripathi

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since Aug 26, 2008
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Recent posts by shivendra tripathi

I feel your question is more about soap vs rest. You would get lot of articles on google talking about pros and cons.
14 years ago

If your phase go inside the above place holder I hope it will be called only if its fault response.
14 years ago
You could use axis2 wsdl2java to generate client or for testing purpose use SOAP UI tool.
14 years ago Unsupported Content-Type: text/html Supported ones are: [text/xml]

Content type for SOAP message should be either text/xml for SOAP 1.1 or application/soap+xml for SOAP 1.2. In your case its text/html that is the reason you are getting this exception.

earlier I created secure client using axis2. You could look at post below.
14 years ago
you could check out my post :

In your code keystore/truststore mentioned in your file path will be used.
14 years ago
The problem is either with host IP or port, you are trying to connect. There should be some server listening on that address(host:port) for successful connection .
If above is not the case then could be firewall problem which might be stopping to create a socket.
14 years ago
Get hold of MessageContext it contains request and response both.
14 years ago
Write you plain java logic to solve your problem. Expose you code as webservice with the help of java2wsdl.
14 years ago
In SOA you create services and if you want to expose them over web its webservice. So even if you write servlets in SOA fashion you need webservice to communicate over web.
I would be glad to know about your thought.
14 years ago
It would be better design if you have to operations corresponding to messages for single endpoint.
14 years ago

Namrita Mohanty wrote:I found out the mapping file :

<property name="otheridnumber" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="OTHERIDNUMBER" length="50" />

it doesn't say if it can be "null" or not like it says for some of the fields [though not all]

<many-to-one name="nbgender" class="com.hib.reverse.Nbgender" fetch="select">
<column name="GENDERCODE" precision="22" scale="0" not-null="true" />


can you try with
<property name="otheridnumber" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="OTHERIDNUMBER" length="50" not-null="false" />
I have written a blog some time ago on how to configure axis2 handler. You can refer link below.
14 years ago
You can develop your EJB and then expose your methods as web service using AXIS.
14 years ago