Kaustubh G Sharma wrote:There's an interesting post by mark zuckerberg's facebook profile... which says... That he himself started killing birds and animals for his food and day after day he is eating less non-veg stuff and finally turns to vegetarian. The fact is very interesting, he says- that you must know and understand that, for your food someone is sacrificing and after someday this stop me for killing birds and animals... So don't go for market stuff...Hunt for your food... and you'll feel some of the pain that being is going through and if you don't feel so than ...Enjoy your food
Kaustubh G Sharma wrote:Well IMHO Karnati love need sacrifice and you're doing a big one.. Hope if you told this to your fiancee, may be she'll understand your love for non-veg food and allow you for it..Congratulations for new life and All the best
Stephan van Hulst wrote:And she doesn't want you to eat meat either? Not even when you're hanging out with other people?
Stephan van Hulst wrote:Why did you become a vegetarian?
Kaustubh G Sharma wrote:if you want soft chapatis my friend .. you must get married soon to an indian girl...
let me tell you it's a big risk... don't try this at home or do it in your parental presence...
Deepak Bala wrote:
And you do not want to make the chapati (an Indian bread) yourself because ?
Prasad Krishnegowda wrote:
Karnati Sudhakar wrote:Guys,
The issue is for dispatcher servlet url mapping should not be *.jsp..
I don't know why?
This is because, your view also is a JSP, so when the view is rendered it maps to some .jsp page, and the controller again will route it to spring dispatcher servlet... This results in JSP pages not been rendered..
Anyway, glad that it is working now..![]()
Prasad Krishnegowda wrote:First, there is no need for you to initialize spitter-servlet.xml using context-param in web.xml, spring libraries will do it for you..
Prasad Krishnegowda wrote:Try, mapping *.htm requests to springs dispatcher servlet, instead of *.jsp..