This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

vikram sawant

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since Aug 01, 2001
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Recent posts by vikram sawant

Dear Friends
i am working on Java since one year. After entering the forum i found that it was great being coding in Java . It would be very kind of u if anyone of u could fwd me a Java Project so that i can work on it and gain valuable exp, And by discussing with u guys i could give the Java Developer Exam in Future
My Intresrts are in
OOAD and Java Programing (Design Patterns )
hi ,
it seems u didntget my question while downloading the image the following procedure is normally employed
Image img = getImage(getCodeBase(),"image/name.gif" )
MediaTracker md = new MediaTracker(this);
md.waitFor(1) ;
catch (Exception e)
so now the Question is if i am putting it in the Jar format wat will be my code and how am i going to refer to the image file name .gif in the getImage method
23 years ago
hi ,
Thanks Tahir for ur suggestion . But i am staying in India can i give the exam from India if so how is there any information about this on the net . Also can u suggest some good online sites
Hi ,
I am new to this subject but i have a keen interest in this field and i would like to excel in this area can anyone help me in this area . I also want to Know the various certification exams in this area and want to Know all the resources that are available on this examination and also would like to give the examination in future
hi ,
Thanks for taking out time , Ok but can u put fwd me the code how u are going to access the images thru the jar Foramat because while creating the Image object we have to specify the path where the files are stored . wat about that? Can u exactly how r u going to download the image file by keeping them in the Jar Format with an example (i mean by writing a code )
23 years ago
Congrats ,
i am into java from last 1 year .After learning java i want to do a project in java . Since u have cleared the java Developer Exam can u fwd ur project to me so that i can also do the project and gain some valuable exp , which would be very hand for me in future . Hoping for a positive response .
My Mail id is
[email protected]

can u elaborate more on the contents of the Jar File or an u send one sample jar file to me inorder to have an idea my mail id is [email protected];
i have a question regarding the Downloads of the Applet . The jar size of the applet is around 38 kb and along with this i have to download 20 images hence because of this applet takes along time to download . Can anyone suggest me some way so that i can reduce the download time .Well there would be some way thru which i can download all the images in one single connection

23 years ago
hi ,
i have a problem regarding the applet is that it takes a long tme to download since it also has to dowload 20 images and hence can any one suggest a solution to it.