I'm writing my first program for performing applet-servlet communication, and no matter what I try, I have not been able to run it. I know my servlet is fine, 'coz i can get the results if i give it's url directly in the browser. I'm trying to implement an (only) applet-servlet example in the book: Professional Java Server programming, chapter 11. I've even used some sort of applet coverter plug-in, which the book suggests to use in case of error.
The error i'm getting is : java.io.FileNotFoundException, and then it says, it can't find the servlet, although the servlet IS initialized !!. I think it has something to do with the security.
I'm using DataOutputStream to send an SQL query to the servlet, and then using InputStreamReader to read the results, which servlets writer onto the PrintWriter obtained from the request object.
Can somebody help me?
Thanks a lot in advance,