Amandeep Waraich

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since Jul 14, 2000
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Recent posts by Amandeep Waraich

Thank God !!! This was has finally come to a ceasefire
Anyways, I want to say my congrats Preeti. Your situation (working mother) makes your achievement even more important !!
Hey, I didn't know that !!! It's quite a surprise. I thought JSDK stands for Java Server Development Kit !!
24 years ago
I have been using for hosting my servlets, but I have come across some lack of services, which is to be expected, 'coz it is free, e.g., database access thru JSPs isn't allowed, also they don't have any POP3 provider for JavaMail. Could anybody else suggest a better ISP hosting servlets, jsps, and all the other latest stuff. I went to, but i cudn't decide on it. Any suggestions? I'm ready to spend money, if no good free-isp is available.
Thanks in advance,
24 years ago
I'm writing my first program for performing applet-servlet communication, and no matter what I try, I have not been able to run it. I know my servlet is fine, 'coz i can get the results if i give it's url directly in the browser. I'm trying to implement an (only) applet-servlet example in the book: Professional Java Server programming, chapter 11. I've even used some sort of applet coverter plug-in, which the book suggests to use in case of error.
The error i'm getting is :, and then it says, it can't find the servlet, although the servlet IS initialized !!. I think it has something to do with the security.
I'm using DataOutputStream to send an SQL query to the servlet, and then using InputStreamReader to read the results, which servlets writer onto the PrintWriter obtained from the request object.
Can somebody help me?
Thanks a lot in advance,
24 years ago
I think the answer is D, 'coz the semicolon ';' is missing in then end of the addActionListener method call, i.e., after the bracket.
Congrats buddy !!
- Aman
This is because this is what JLS specifies. You might wanna have a look at the casting and conversion tables given in RHE. I find them very handy. So, there's no compilation error supposed to occur. However, there WILL be a runtime error in this case. Also, there would have been a compiler error if you hadn't use the casting.

[This message has been edited by Amandeep Waraich (edited September 09, 2000).]
The array elements are initialized irrespective of the scope of the array variable (arr). What you are confusing this with is that, if arr had not been initialized, then it would automatically be initialized if it was a member variable, and you would get an error if arr was a local variable. If arr is initialized, its elements are automatically initialized, irrespective of whether it is a member or a local variable.
[This message has been edited by Amandeep Waraich (edited September 07, 2000).]
Congrats Sanjeet !!! enjoy !!!
Congrats Satish !!! enjoy !!!
Hi avn,
I think you know the answer. You just got a little confused over here. Yes, you are right, the private methods are not overridden. So, the answer is right, since pri() is not overridden. If it had been overridden, "sub" would have been printed !!!
Congrats Satish !! way to go !!
IMO, since subA is an inner class defined in A, so subA HAS access to the private constructor of A, so the program compiles, and runs. If subA was not an inner class, and extended A, then it might encounter an error. I've not tested it as yet.
Any way, both of ur programs are similar. Java implicitly creates public subA() and places the statement super() in the first code written by you.