Sachin Kumar

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since Aug 31, 2008
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Any one tried this. I am using this for Sybase procedure with outparameter and its going wild.
Now you should check REST services as well.
15 years ago
thanks John,
unfortunately hibernate is not providing return as set to root out duplicate possiblility.
I fixed it by then by explicitly adding this list into set.

here this list contains duplicates of DataType, which is cartisan product as returned by query. Where I don't want duplicates of DataTypes and parent child relationship is proper.
your scenario is simple. It happens when keep static contrents on web servers and secured or business components on app servers where data is processed by app server. In your case you can achieve it through virtual directry mapping or including rthe login page data from server 1. Client application or user should always talk to server2 and you post data should go to server2.
15 years ago
I have seen the scenario when it happens after a join query. But I never get exception. Have you checked your mapping your case looks to be of one-to-many mapping and also tru putting logical equal and hashcode method.
Could you please what all to cover from SUN j5ee tutorials.
15 years ago
SCEA+PMP > you will be considered as an architect who has project management competency as well by customer/recruiters.
If you think after doing SCEA, you can monitor TL/Architect it is not good for project. I think PM should not think himself on top of every thing.
TL/Designer and Architect and PM are three points of triangle and developers are inside triangle.
Understanding and clarity of each others role is critical to success of project.
Please find my exp in start thread message.
RMH is must to go book for jws 5 exam don't worry for SOAP 1.2 they are not in exam. This is well written book.
-XML (Advanced XML can be excluded)

Axis is open source code gen toolkit , which is not in SCDJWS 5. You sould refer only the sun blueprints and materials.

Can someone work with Apache Axis without learning the JWS API in detail?

You can always, if you have no idea of web service read more theory arround it form SUN j2EE5 tutorials for JAX-WS, SAAJ etc.
yester day, I gave this test. Thanks to this forum and contributors of notes and experiences.

--Newly Added---
Sorry for the late reply.. was not able to access internet. My score sheet: Test date : 4th May 2009 (Mumbai)

Topic : Percentage (No of questions in exam)
xml ws standard: 67 (6)
soap 1.2 ws standard :67 (6)
wsdl and uddi - 100 (5)
jax ws: 80 (5)
JAXR : 100 (6)
SECURITY :80 (5)
WSIT :40 (5)

WITH ABOVE FRAGMENT MY PERCENTAGE COMES TO 66% AND THAT IS WHAT I GOT ( Still its based on recollection which could be wrong but not by far)
For your information, I have more than 1 yrs dev exp in REST and JAXB , but scored least in that.

Questions from new topics were hard core case-study based and options were quite confusing.
I went through mostly MH-Book(old topics-- very good explanations), Ivan's guide(new topics), sun ( web service and j2EE5 tutorial--very selective topics) and
above all BP 1.1(3 times).

I had devoted only 4 days for prepration ( 40hrs), 30th April(General election holiday), 1st May(Labour day), Sat and Sunday.As 42% was easy to get.
1) New topics(REST*,WSIT, JAX-ws to some extent) are not reliable in terms of scoring
unless you have deep understanding of pros and cons in most of the scenarios( read as much document you can do from net)
2) Older topics should should be covered well secure you pass the exam.
3) Exam opriention is shifted to more towards choosing the best suitable tech for a scenario like architect and designer.
5) Spare more time for studay if you aim for 85-95 kind of score (150-200hrs)

All the best to ...friends who are aspiring for this test. Please feel free to reply this thread if you have any question in mind.

Congrats !!! what is passing score printed on your score sheet in SCDJWS 5 exam?(Hope its not beta)
15 years ago
That's a great news Deepak. In fact I have to appear for this but 68% bar looks quite high.
If they are lazy enough to update site then there is no chance they will take pain to revise your result.
Another thought comes to like this may be like a promotion of new product or rebet for course changes.
Anyways GO FOR BEER Man.
Congrates if you have realy got a pass certificate.
But SUN says its still 68% for scdjws 5

but upgrade exam to scdjws 5 do have 40% as pass score.

please clarify.