Pratap Shinde

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since Sep 05, 2008
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Recent posts by Pratap Shinde

Declare <resource-ref> in web.xml.

For. E.G.
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_1251416779852">

Also if you are using RAD or some similar editor then I would suggest don't just add these entries manually. Better go to the 'References' tab and the add from there.
15 years ago
Declare <resource-ref> in web.xml.

For. E.G.
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_1251416779852">

Also if you are using RAD or some similar editor then I would suggest don't just add these entries manually. Better go to the 'References' tab and the add from there.
Use class from the jar IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\bin\ProfileManagement\plugins\\ws_runtime.jar and it will work fine.
15 years ago

Originally posted by Joe Matthew:
Taking more than 12 minutes to start the WAS is not good. Check it you can start the WAS (using the same installation) in other machines. If the problem exists, try to get another cd. If the other machines are starting faster, i suggest reinstalling in your machine.

16 years ago
I am using WAS 6.1 in RAD 7. I have set up the server but when I start it, it starts very very slow. It goes fine initially but at a point
It says "[SIUCEAR] [/SIUCWAR] [action]: Initialization successful."
and after this it takes around 12 minutes and then it goes ahead and prints "Web Module Case Management has been bound to default_host [*:9080, *:80, *:9443,*:5060,*:5061,*:443].
Server server1 open for e-business"

I don't understand why it takes so much time to bind to default host.
Also, going ahead when I run the App. in Browser it literally crawls after every Hibernate statement, it takes around 7-8 minutes to load a first page.

But the same EAR works smooth in WAS 5.1 and RAD 7
Note: I am using WAS 6.1, RAD7, DB2, Hibernate 3, Driver Type 4

Any help is appreciated. Thanks
16 years ago