Originally posted by ARIJIT DARIPA:
static methods are inherited
Originally posted by kunal dabir:
Please refer to the 11th Question in Self Test of Chapter 2:
Shouldn't the Answer be 'Compilation Error', as 'y' is a static variable and hence wont be inherited in the 'Minor' class which is using it in the default constructor?
Originally posted by shaf maff:
Here is the 500 error:
This is line 140:
for(MailSession mail : test) {
BTW, what does the note/warning mean and why ignore it ?
Originally posted by gopala krishna muvvala:
I am getting problem in this code
1 String from[];
2 int count=0;
3 Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in());
4 System.out.println("Enter stings..");
5 from[count]=s.nextLine();
6 count++;
I am geting error in line 5 that is Nullpointer Exception...
Why is ther any wrong in this code......?