prem kanna

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Recent posts by prem kanna

hi all,

while running above program i am getting the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Note :

my pdf file size is more than 1.5 GB. if it's lesser size pdf then there is no problem.

please any one help me to resolve this problem.
14 years ago
Hi all,

I am using tomcat 5.5. In one of jsp code, I have used a hyperlink to open a PDF or FDF file placed in server .My requirement is while clicking the hyperlink the PDF or FDF file should be opened in browser window itself. The file is located in remote server connected through LAN.

For eg :

When this jsp page is opened in IE and if I click on the link, PDF or FDF files is getting opened well in browser.

While clicking the link in Firefox browser, the path set in anchor tag is changed to


Where http://localhost:8080/ManuscriptCheck/ is my Web application URL.

How to overcome this issue to have the file url as such without web application url appending before it?

Can Any body guide me. Thanks in advance.

15 years ago

is it possible enable comments using Acrobat OLE objects?. but i dont have a knowledge in this. can anyone give some Suggestion.
15 years ago
anyone please reply this post.
15 years ago
Hi All,

Is there any way available to enable comments into pdf files through java. I have a Adobe Reader 9 and also I want put some comments into pdf file, but the reader is not allowed to place a comment into pdf file before enabling the Comments into pdf. After enabling the comments in pdf file then only we can place the comments and we can the pdf file with comments.

Is there any way available to enable comments into pdf file to view acrobat reader.

Thanks in advance.
15 years ago

i didnt get any answer for my problem. can any one please give some Suggestion to solve my problem.

Thanks in advance.
15 years ago

can any one please give some Suggestion.
15 years ago
I am using a mail sending function in my applet code which is listed below:
Main content is fetched from a format tool bar in JSP Page and it is passed as parameter to applet and it is used inside the mail content.
Same content when passed and executed in a JSP page, the formatted content is not lost and it is included in mail content as what it is fetched from Format Tool Bar.
Format is lost when it is used inside the Java Application mail sending function.
The below code I have used to send mail:

Content placed in format tool bar is as follows:

I have posted the following PDFs (Second Pages) as mentioned to start producing the Index:
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6
XML Coding - Files with errors
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6

Content fetched from format tool bar inside JSP page is as follows:

I have posted the following PDFs (Second Pages) as mentioned to start producing the Index:
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6
XML Coding - Files with errors</strong>
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6

Fetched Content inside Java Application through parameter and it will use as input for mail content is as follows:

I have posted the following PDFs (Second Pages) as mentioned to start producing the Index:
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6
XML Coding - Files with errors</strong>
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6

Actual mail received after Java Application execution is as follows:
I have posted the following PDFs (Second Pages) as mentioned to start producing the Index:
? Engage
? Chapters 1?6
XML Coding - Files with errors
? Engage
? Chapters 1?6
Unicode characters in the mail content are replaced by “?”.

In the function listed above I have used the MIME Setting as

Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("alternative");

I have tried by using “relative” MIME format also as

Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("relative");

But I am not getting the actual format passed as input to the Java Application in the mail content.
Can anybody let us know how to overcome this problem?
Thanks in advance.

15 years ago

Can any one tell me how to set file lastModifiedTime after copying files through FTP. I am using commons-net-1.4.1.jar to copy files from local system to server.
Eg: local file name “test.doc” (Today, December 29, 2009, 5:09:33 PM) when I moving this file to server, the files are moved successfully but the time is updated as server current time. But I need local file time like (Today, December 29, 2009, 5:09:33 PM). Below code I am using for uploading files to server.

Can any one please help me to overcome this issue?
15 years ago

anyone please give some Suggestion.
15 years ago

I have already set contentType as "text/html", then only i got the answer above mentioned like that. When I posted the query to this site with my output it was converted into Original format. So please refer below link to see my Original post

i will explain my requirement in detail.

My GUI consists of a jEditorPane in which the user will paste the formatted text from MS word or some other application (formatted text contains->un ordered list contents, bold text, italic texts, underlined text, etc). While user clicks the button, one auto mail is generated in which the formatted content is gathered from jEditorPane and the given user’s information is stored into string variable and it will be included into the mail.

When I fetch the contents from jEditorPane, it won’t retrieve full set of contents and also it won’t allow to paste the formatted text like bolded text, color changed texts, underlined text are not allowed.

I need to know which swing control I can use to meet my requirement as specified. Please educate me how to proceed in this case.

Many Thanks in advance
15 years ago

anyone please give some suggestion.
15 years ago
When formatted text is placed in jEditorPane, it has to be fetched and displayed in web page with the same format.

Is there any feature available to enable html oriented formatted content can be fetched from jEditorPane?

For eg,

• Content1
• Content2
• Content3

This is for testing.

If above text is placed in jEditorPane and if it’s content are fetched, it should be like

  • Content1

  • Content2

  • Content3

This is for testing.

When I pasted the below mentioned content in JEditorPane,

• Content1
• Content2
• Content3

This is for testing.

I got the output text From JEditorPane as follows:


• Content1 • Content2 • Content3 This is for testing.
But I need to get the output as exact html formatted content for the input pasted in JEditorPane. When a text with different colors is pasted, it is not taking up the font format and it is showing in normal font color.

Is there any way available to get formatted content from jEditorPane or some other swing control as mentioned above?

Thanks in advance
15 years ago
Hi all,

I am using commons-net-1.4.1.jar for uploading files to server. Its working fine. In some cases while we are uploading files the files are moving properly but the file name are showing like CHAPTE~1.DOC, CHAPTE~2.DOC, CHAPTE~3.DOC, CHAPTE~4.DOC, but the original file names are in local system is Chapter 3 Integration – Trapezoidal and Simpson’s Rules.doc, Chapter 4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions – Area Applications.doc, Chapter 4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions – Differentiate Hence Integrate.doc, Chapter 5 Trigonometric Functions – Dynamic Graphs.doc.

In server the files are opening properly. Can any one please give some suggestion to rectify this problem? Here I have attached code.

Hi all,

I am using JCIFS jar to connect samba server. Is there any possible to increase session time.
15 years ago