I am using a mail sending function in my applet code which is listed below:
Main content is fetched from a format tool bar in JSP Page and it is passed as parameter to applet and it is used inside the mail content.
Same content when passed and executed in a JSP page, the formatted content is not lost and it is included in mail content as what it is fetched from Format Tool Bar.
Format is lost when it is used inside the Java Application mail sending function.
The below code I have used to send mail:
Content placed in format tool bar is as follows:
I have posted the following PDFs (Second Pages) as mentioned to start producing the Index:
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6
XML Coding - Files with errors
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6
Content fetched from format tool bar inside JSP page is as follows:
I have posted the following PDFs (Second Pages) as mentioned to start producing the Index:
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6
XML Coding - Files with errors</strong>
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6
Fetched Content inside Java Application through parameter and it will use as input for mail content is as follows:
I have posted the following PDFs (Second Pages) as mentioned to start producing the Index:
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6
XML Coding - Files with errors</strong>
• Engage
• Chapters 1–6
Actual mail received after Java Application execution is as follows:
I have posted the following PDFs (Second Pages) as mentioned to start producing the Index:
? Engage
? Chapters 1?6
XML Coding - Files with errors
? Engage
? Chapters 1?6
Unicode characters in the mail content are replaced by “?”.
In the function listed above I have used the MIME Setting as
Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("alternative");
I have tried by using “relative” MIME format also as
Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("relative");
But I am not getting the actual format passed as input to the Java Application in the mail content.
Can anybody let us know how to overcome this problem?
Thanks in advance.