Jose Ayerdis

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since Sep 14, 2008
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Recent posts by Jose Ayerdis

Is there any mock Test were i can choice specific SCJP Objectives to do?
What are the most relevant improvement on Composite Component in JSF 2.0
14 years ago
I've been tough taht there are some bean type when it comes to JSF although the 1.2 does not make any distinction.

Model Bean
Backing Bean
Support Bean
Utility Bean

Does the current version has any annotation or something to deal with this??
14 years ago
well it is also very good idea if you want a easly mantainable web application..
14 years ago
Did they added a better way to parameterized the Method?? something like the JBoss-EL

or to create constructor args Bean with JSF something like Spring IoC does?
14 years ago
From what i see (or heard) the Bean are now created mostly with annotation... so my question what other changes will be on this JSF version?

Is the typicals <managed-bean> declaration tags will still be supported??


14 years ago
well mappedBy anotation is very simple let me give you this sceneraio:

I have a Vehicle and Driver POJO's both represent entities on the Database both of them are mapped like this:

As you can see the mappedBy is the refering to a "transportista" object in Vehicle class which said something like this....

"This Set of Vehicle is OneToMany relationship with the class (Vehicle) and do a mapped Inverse mapping with an object named transportista"

So it goes to transportista and gets this

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "id_transportista", nullable = false)
private Driver transportista;

you'll see now hibernate does not have to guess about the reference and that is inverse mapping..............
try using the double backslash

try forcing the path file with an absolute path let see what happens something like this

let me put it clear you are kind of doing this

Here you can se it clearly that you cannot cast an object to an integer array

Because after all thats what you retrieve from your HashSet
14 years ago

i believe you meant

and the answer to your question is simple. in your code you have this HashSet wich add a series of Integer but the hasset it self just contains a bunch of Objects.

Second you instanciate a List named list with the previos set collections and called to the method toArray() wich always return Object[] then you try to cast but you can't beause the Object[] Array has nothing to do with the Integer[] array is just like saying Animal[] cast to Integer[] they have nothing.

14 years ago
i think that it might not finding the hibernate.cfg the you have it on your root source package??... can you handle over a eclipse proyect so i can see if i get the same error??
no problem i am also studying just finish chapter 6 send me a pm with your mail
i am also planning on doing it this year just finish Chapter 6.

Sorry about this is a reply to the thread
yes i can use blob you're right but i was asking a method or example to do it with JSF....

should i uploaded to the server first with inputFille??

and i want to use the inputFile dialog only in order to the user click on the image and pick one but i don't know how.....
14 years ago