Brendan Speer

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since Sep 18, 2008
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Recent posts by Brendan Speer

I'm having some trouble with trying to get access to Remote EJBs deployed in an EAR to a Glassfish 3 server.

The EBJs seem to deploy correctly, because when I deploy it says this:

I use the following code to try and read the EJB:

When I run the code inside of Eclipse, it gives me the following error:

I have tried both on the remote server and on a server local to the dev environment. I am including the gf-client.jar and the Client EJB Jar in my project, and I've read the Glassfish EJB faq several times to go through different scenarios. This seems like a pretty trivial example, but I can't seem to get it to work. I don't think it's even contactign the glassfish server, because if I change the -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost property in the VM options, I get the same error. I must be missing some crucial step.

== Thanks.
His has got to be a 'solved' problem before, but I can't seem to come up with the correct combination of google terms to get the answer.

I have a Datatable filled in by a OneToMany relationship off of an Entity(QAHeader) bean. One of the fields in this Entity(QALine) points to another Entity(LineType). I would like the make a selectOneMenu that selects one of the LineType Entities and set the QALine l_type to that Entity.

After some preliminary research, I found out that I have to use a converter. So I wrote a converter to take a string of the LineType ID and return the Object.

*edit* I forgot to mention that the Converter is registered in faces-config.xml

Now I'm getting: Whenever I submit the page, whether I have changed the values or not.

Everywhere I put debug statements the values seem to be valid.

Can anyone point me to a solution?



Here's the function that builds the SelectItem List:


[ September 18, 2008: Message edited by: Brendan Speer ]
15 years ago