Dilip Mallik

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since Sep 19, 2008
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Recent posts by Dilip Mallik

Hi All,

I am trying to install WCS6.0 . I have installed it but the problem is I want to replicate the Apache Derby data base into DB2 data base.

To run some of the modules provided by WCS I must have tables defined by WCS .

So I want to know how I can create all the tables which are in Apache Derby Data base (which is provided by WCS as default DB) in DB2 (which I will install)

Thanks in advance
13 years ago
Hi All,

I am stuck in the development. I need these jar files .

Can anyone please tell me from where to download these files/

Thanks in advance

15 years ago
after making above changes I am getting the same exception.

the exception is

15 years ago
Hi here is the code and please tell me how to deploy this bean.

This is my remote Interface

This is my session bean

and this is my home interface

This is my ejb-jar.xml

this is my jboss.xml

and finally this is my test.java to test the ejb

when running the test class it prints up to 4 but throws exception before 5

can somebody tell me where I am wrong . I have put the jar file in the default deploy dirctory of the server.

15 years ago
Hi All
I am new to EJB2.0 .Please tell me which jar files are required to compile the code .I am usingg Jboss4.2.2GA

Thanks and Rgds
15 years ago

Use external table validation.

15 years ago
Then why you need a new session id.

is there any project requirement?
15 years ago
Hi shenaz,

Have you cheked the attribute values in the session after invalidating the session.

I don't think that after invalidating session you will have same session.

If your session is not invalidated then you would be able to retrieve the attribute values from the session.

Just double check..
15 years ago
Hi Ulf,

Thanks for the link.the problem is solved
15 years ago
Hi Ulf,

Thanks for your response, actually I am new to this api.If you can tell me what all things I need to consider for a charcter to appear in pdf then also I can crack this . And about your question ,actually I referred a journal it says
it is wingding font and some says it is "ZAPFDINGBATS". I am confused I tried both in place of "HELVETICA" but the problem still persists.

15 years ago
Hi Ulf ar you on leave.. atleast you help...,I always get your response for my queries

15 years ago
Hi All,

I am trying to display a cross mark if a particular field is having no and a check mark if it contains yes,I am able to display
the cross mark but i am unable to display the check mark(it is appearing blank) please help I think the unicode value I am using is wrong, below is my code:-

The table in which I am adding this cell is a normal table not a pdfptable .If you have some other modifications to suggest then please suggest

15 years ago
Hi All,

Actually I am sending a request object which has got around 500 data records and my aim is to diplay all those records in an excel sheet.Sometimes when the records are in the range of 300 - 400 I am able to generate the excel but when the count is more than 500
it is showing an error in the browser saying:-
Request entity too large

The request resource
does not allow request data with post requests, or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit.

How to circumvent this situation?

16 years ago
Thanks David

I am learning struts2 and I found the example from a site but the tags were not explained that why they are there . Thats why I asked,

Anyway thanks a lot for answering so soon
16 years ago