Kavita Tipnis

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since Sep 21, 2008
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Recent posts by Kavita Tipnis

Tomahawk does provide a tabbed pane component or something similar
14 years ago
Not sure what exactly you are trying to do, but take a look at the rendered attribute for your component
14 years ago
in this case oncomplete might not work because you might be navigating away from your current page/view.
14 years ago
Check your logs for any errors and debugging your code should help catch what you are missing
14 years ago
You have not specified any navigation rule in your faces-config.xml.
Hence it will not fire your action method. Please use code tags next time, it makes it easier to read code.
14 years ago
I don't understand your question completely, are you trying to call a javascript function after the user clicks on the link
or do you have an onchange event of the dropdown which will navigate the user to different pages?
15 years ago
Make sure you have the correct JSF libraries in your project.
15 years ago
Sorry completely missed the 'test' word!!
15 years ago
Constructor will always run first.
I guess your problem is , you have a request scoped bean, which is constructed(a new instance is created) everytime you hit test.jsp.
To keep session information, you either have to make your bean session scoped or add your variables to the session map in the actionlistener
15 years ago
In web applications, servlet container loads the classes, you create instances of the classes and use them.
As for your problem, make sure you are creating an instance of the class.
15 years ago
You can try using a custom validator
15 years ago

Jacquie Barker wrote:

I think there is no cheat sheet for looking ahead which technologies are going to go down the drain but it comes with experience and only experience,

15 years ago
Moving to original poster's question, just learning new skills and not strengthening the existing skills,
how would you overrule the old adage of 'Jack of all trades and master of none'.[Did not notice this was another thread title!! -> Edited]
For instance, JSP,Servlets are the base of any Java web application development,
it does not matter how many frameworks you are conversant with, if you do not know difference between a get and a post.

15 years ago

Jacquie Barker wrote:In addition to my "Tidal Wave" book, another book that addresses a similar philosophy is "Who Moved My Cheese" -- to borrow their analogy, if the place in the maze where you live is flooded with cheese [your technical skills are in an area that is still mainstream], no need to worry! If the cheese is in short supply [your skills are in an area where few, if any, organizations wish to invest any longer], put on your sneakers and venture forth into the maze [retrain yourself in a newer paradigm].

A very helpful analogy, we did that, Netbeans Visual Web JSF framework was new and it did not quite pickup, so we decided to overhall all the applications to simple JSP apps.
15 years ago